
Poll ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Do you agree Senator Obama is more Experienced and Credible than Governor Palin ?

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Poll ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Do you agree Senator Obama is more Experienced and Credible than Governor Palin ?




  1. no, She has more Experience than Obama and Biden combined!

    Credible? Well, she hasn't lied like they have, so you tell me.

  2. i don't agree

    Mccain/Palin 2008

  3. Lets see, one ran a town, ran a state, raised a large family.

    One was a picnic planner, got churned out of the ultra pure Chicago political machine, got sent to the senate where they have spent 140 working days in two years, and started running for president when they frist got to Washington.

    No I do not agree whith you.

    When you hold an execuative job, I don't care what it is, you have more weight on your sholders than the commity does. Don't want to take a stand on something, go home, don't vote. Not much will be said about it. If you are a mayor, govener, or president the buck stops with you. Ever wander why the CEOs take so much heat for c**p the BOD does or doesn't do. When a company goes belly up they put the head guy in jail and you never hear the names of the people on the board of directors who rubber stamped every thing.

  4. Senator Obama HAS no experience

  5. No not even close. Palin is a governor and Obama was a Mayor Daley lap dog.

  6. Agree on both counts.

  7. By far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Sarah has served 13 years in elected office....Obama 11. Do the math.

  9. no,  What experience does obama have? I hope you don't mean the speeches he gives.

  10. Of course Obama's more experienced. There shouldn't be even a comparison b/w them. That's like comparing steak with dog f***s.

  11. Forget experience, how about talking about accomplishments.

    What has bama accomplished?

  12. Obama, talks the talk.

    Palin, walks the walk.

  13. No, not at all, a Governor has to make choices all day, she was on the commity for oil in freaken Alaska, busted all the idiots and kicked them out. Now look where she is. obama was a community organizer and had only 140 days in the senate.

  14. Yes....we finally agree on something.

    Obama: 11 years in government. Palin: 20 alaska.

  15. Yes.  John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 7,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency. Governor Palin shares John McCain's commitment to overturning Roe v. Wade, the agenda of Big Oil and continuing George Bush's failed economic policies -- that's not the change we need, it's just more of the same.  And it reflects badly on McCain's judgment.

    And apparently McCain feels that this choice will attract Hillary voters, which seems to imply that he thinks all women candidates are the same and women voters are dumb enough to believe that. It's insulting and patronizing.

    It's kind of funny that the same people who have been criticizing Obama for lack of experience think Sarah Palin is a great choice.

    So here's my question: does "experience" only matter to Republicans when it's a Democratic candidate but not matter at all when it's Sarah Palin?

  16. No, both have essentially no foreign policy or military experience.  Palin only has limited executive experience.  Obama only has limited experience in the Senate.  I would say they are about equally experienced.  

    As far as credibility, Obama talks big but I can't think of one major thing he has done with his time in the Senate.  Palin, on the other hand, has acted on what she believes is right.  I would give Palin the edge on credibility.

  17. Disagree.  Palin has more EXECUTIVE experience by far.  Passing laws (what Obama) does, and running a country are totally different things.

    Running a state (what Palin does), and running a country are very similar.

  18. Absolutely yes; and the people love him.

  19. Duh!  The answer is so obvious:  no and no!

    Look at the matters that matter to you and you can see that Palin would make a GREAT President!

  20. By far!!!  

    Just look up Alaska, and you will see that it's not a big deal to govern it.

  21. NO!!!!


    She was mayor for a small town and is now the govner of the one of the largest energy source state!!! I hate Obama!!!!!! and the guy who said obama has 11 years of experience, i dont know what cave you've been living in!

    Mccain/Palin 08!!!!

  22. Nope.  I've never seen a less experienced candidate in my life than Obama.

  23. Obama's entire real world work resume. 145 days experience in the Senate with nothing to show for it, only 3 bills passed.  Zero military experience, Quick trip to Middle East, Never physically worked a hard day in his life……Barack Obama barely qualifies to work in a McDonalds. We wont even mention his devotion to extremist, radical and racist religious views for which he was ingrained and worshipped for the past twenty years.Two years as a lawyer and only 14 minor trials. And two years as a "community organizer" with nothing  accomplished.

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out which one to chose does it?

    Even Joe Biden tells us who he knows is the better candidate his quotes:

    ”I think he can be ready, but right now I don’t believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training.”  - About Barack

    “The only guy on the other side who’s qualified is John McCain.”

    “John McCain is a personal friend, a great friend, and I would be honored to run with or against John McCain, because I think the country would be better off, be well off no matter who…”

  24. Yes.  Most of Palin's "experience" comes from running a town with less than 10,000 people in it!

  25. anyone that can read knows that even with little experience she is more experienced than mr obama

  26. I'll answer this repeat question with my repeat response:

    And this is a consequential issue because...

    I thought one was at the top of the ticket and the other wasn't.

    So much for your party's claim to "nuanced" thinking.

  27. Yes, by miles

  28. Yes, but then you are not saying much there, are you?  Alaska is a very unique state, not like the lower 48 at all, let alone like Hawaii.  And ironically, she hasn't even had much experience there!  As I understand it, a year and a half ago, she was the mayor of a very small town.  Even with the remarkably low population of Alaska, this is just too much.

    But experience is not the only issue, or even the most significant one.  Take a look at Palin's stands on the issues that matter to you, and decide whether we would want to risk having her for a president.

  29. Ummmmmm, let me think a sec. NO.

    And are you comparing apples with apples. Obama is on the top of the ticket, so if you want to make a comparison do it with McCain.

  30. I don't know her yet, but I'm keeping an open mind.  Obama is completely overrated, though, that much I know for sure.

  31. No.  She has executive experience.  She makes the decisions.  Actually, in that area, she has more experience than Obama, McCain, and Biden.  She got rid of the corruption within her state from her own party.  She turned down the "bridge to nowhere".  She has more credibility than any of them.

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