
Poll ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Do you agree Senator Obama is more Patriotic, Experienced and Credible than Governor Palin ?

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Poll ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Do you agree Senator Obama is more Patriotic, Experienced and Credible than Governor Palin ?




  1. Surely you Jest,Try to hide your stupidity,stay off YA,

  2. In Indonesia and Kenya yes

  3. Palin is not running for president, she was picked by the GOP so they can train some fresh mean to do the biding when McCain dies in a few years of old age... she is a patsy and a joke...

  4. NO

    next question

  5. Palin - A governor for less than two years of the most remote and sparsely populated state in US. Never been to any country outside US and Canada. It is frightening to imagine her as president if, God forbid, something happens to McCain.


  6. Yes.

  7. Yes. He, at least, believes in fighting for us to retain our constitutional rights. And she laughed at him for wanting to make sure U.S. citizens are read their rights when arrested. She abused her power as a city mayor (firing a librarian who wouldn't remove books on Palin's list and using city funds and labor for personal things) and as a governor (now under investigation for ethics violation) for getting her x-brother-in-law fired. We don't need Palin's brand of patriotism. She's another Nixon and we all know how that turned out.

  8. NO- Apparently he may not be even  an American. According some people in the media, his birth certificate WAS photoshopped.  Where is the original and why won't he let anyone in HI release that they have a certified copy?

    Another thing that was photoshopped was the photo of Palin wearing a bikini holding a weapon. Who is doing all this photoshopping?

    Seriously though, Palin has executive experience and Obama has none.He and his darling(lmaorof)wife don't seem very patriotic and Palin clearly said.... she has always loved her country. Palin has made reforms not just speeches about reform. Palin is definitely more credible.McCain/Palin 2008

  9. Ummm no. I question Obamas patriotism, I question his integrity, I find him phony, really have a problem with his having associate who arent that great to begin with and then throwing them under the bus when it hurts him politically. Fact is, of the 2 who made it to the top on the DNC side, Hillary was probably better suited than Obama. Another fact is, Palin isnt running for president, John Mccain is, and he whups Obama on all those points you mentioned hands down. If I had to make the choice between Palin or Obama Id absolutely say she trumps him on the above mentioned points as well.

  10. I'm embarrassed to see all these people scaring themselves. I don't think any of the two are "more patriotic". It's really pathetic..

  11. Ba ha ha ha no.

  12. Absolutely Not!

  13. It's really hard to judge another person's Patriotism, because a lot depends on how they view their country.  

    I think Obama's view is different from mine.  His view seems to equate local civic action (I presume that's a fair rephrasing of "community organizing") with military service.  Having done both personally, I don't, and don't feel a need to elaborate on the differences.  His view also seems to have a lot of room for considering what other countries think about ours.  Mine doesn't.  I care about their opinion only when it impacts our own interests, and that isn't nearly as often as he seems to think.

    Palin has a different view.  She's the mother of a soldier, and she's proud of him. I can relate to that, because even though I've never met the man, I'm proud of him, too. I'm proud of all of our soldiers, because they are all volunteers who have chosen to place their lives on the line for our country, and certainly are sacrificing several years of it for our benefit.  I'm simply not sure of how Obama feels about them, although I know from the words of many democrats that the closest thing to it seems to be "pity".  

    Palin doesn't have a lot of experience, that's true.  However, she does have "some" executive experience, and Obama recently tried to claim running his campaign is executive experience.  Coaching a Little League team is coaching experience.  Flying an airplane with baseball players on board is not.  As far as Federal experience, governors have to deal with the federal government constantly.  State legislators do not, nor do people running presidential campaigns. As far as international experience, he threw a beer and brat party in Germany.  She's from a state that borders two foreign countries.  Of the two, I find her experience much more impressive.

    I can't say anything about her credibility, it's too soon to tell.  I can say that Obama's attempts to paint himself as qualified for the office are pretty transparent.  If he'd just present the fact that he's a rookie, an amateur, and hasn't a clue how anything the President does gets done, that wouldn't really be all that bad.  We all know that the President has basically an unlimited budget for Advisors. The fact that he's either unaware that he doesn't know anything, or wants to hide the fact and doesn't realize we already know it certainly damages his credibility in my view.  

  14. YES - He does/did not have ties with a succession party/movement

  15. You bet he is!  Go Bama!

  16. Yes. Read his biography, he feels indebted to the country, not entitled, like most politicians.

  17. Why is it that nobody compares McCain with Biden? Maybe because they are not running against each other? Then why compare Obama with Palin? Is it because some people feel Palin will be our President in the future? Well, I hope she will be some day...  

  18. He most defiantly is.

  19. YES

  20. patriotic  definitely not

    experienced  maybe but it probably is a toss up

    credible i dont think so she seems to be much more of a straight shooter than any of other 3 ( mccain,bien and obama ) although that could change as media tries to twist every little thing she says

  21. Yes - could you imagine what the fallout would be if Obama was associated with a group that wanted a state to defect to Canada?

  22. NO!

  23. I know Gov. Palin is a MILF. What was the question again?

  24. When did Sarah Palin begin running for President?

  25. yeah Senator Obama cares more about the people.  

  26. eh no

    UNLESS you mean

    Patriotic  - to Africa and muslim extremists

    Experienced  - in crime, racism, and avoiding REAL work

    "in"Credibly  - Marxist

    prince - you moron - that was another of your BHO LIES and it has been proved - did you know that BHO wants to give Alaska to the Muslim Extremists?  (same level of proof :o)

    and why do you care, since your side all HATES Americ(kkk)a.

    Anyone notice that the BHO supporters icons are all children or AA ?

  27. Clearly not. B. Hussein Obama's wife has been ashamed of America nearly her entire life, his only political experience is casting votes (sometimes actually voting "yes" or "no" instead of "present"), and he has already lied about his past so many times that he hasn't a shred of credibility left.

  28. How can any of us actually answer that question.  We can't possible know what is in the heart of another as far a patriotism.  I can say he is Less experienced and less credible to me.

  29. NO!

    I am afraid to say none of the above.

    Patriotic - Wont wear a flag pin, wont put his hand on his heart for the Pledge, mentored by Rev Wright ("God d**n America!).

    Experienced - Not even close, Obama has done nothing.

    Credible - He has a very tough time speaking without a teleprompter. If it isnt scripted for him, he cannot communicate it.

  30. Yeah right, the community organizer gig really got him prepared to be the President.

  31. No, no, and no. And it's the wrong question. Obama wants to be president? Than his record must be measured against that of his opponent, who is NOT Sarah Palin.

    Funny how Obama's people avoid directly comparing McCain and Obama; Palin is not running for President. But Obama's camp knows a direct comparison to John McCain re: DEMONSTRATED patriotism, experience and bona fides would end up embarrassing their candidate.

    Comparing their pick for #1 with the GOP's pick for #2 is just so lame.

    What does that say about Obama? It's kind of wimpy when they have to do that. I don't think I have ever seen that happen, and I having been voting in Presidential elections since the 1970s.

    Obama is the wrong choice. I'm really disappointed in Bush (though am I animated by sheer hatred? No. I don't blame politicians for my troubles (well, exact for tax-related matters!) , but I actually like McCain (who, btw, ran against Bush only a few years ago. And despite statements from people who rant that he is just like Bush would NEVER say that if they were telling the truth and knew what they were talking about. But they'll say anything, ANYTHING, to smear McCain).

    As for the people who have him at death's door, which they are forced to do in order to bypass McCain and segue to a comparison with Palin: McCain's mother is 95 or 96, and she's still d**n sharp.

    It scares me that first-time voters, who are not used to the mechanics of a smear campaign, may not recognize this one when they see it. So to you guys, please take WHATEVER you read here with a grain of salt, no matter how you are inclined to vote, and no matter who the source is. What is said on the Internet is usually not journalism. It's one person's opinion. And all opinions reflect the speaker's bias, whether they know it or not. And yes, I know I'm biased too. But I also believe that I'm right on this.

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