
Poll ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Do you agree Senator Obama is much more experiencd than Governor Palin ?

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Poll ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Do you agree Senator Obama is much more experiencd than Governor Palin ?




  1. YES!

  2. no, she ran the state, he is just using his race to get elected

  3. No

    Palin has actually been leading people for the past several while Obama & Biden NEVER have led anyone!

  4. at being a connubity worker... yes

  5. My take is that being Mayor and the PTA trumps "community organizer" and state senator. What a bunch of worthless dweebs.  

    And of course, State Governor trumps US Senator.

  6. Obama is way less experienced.  He has no executive experience at all.  Palin has executive experience and her style of government is much better.

  7. Obama - Zero executive experience.

    Game, set, match.

  8. No. not at all.

  9. I don't know...but Obama could have all the experience of Ted Kennedy and still not get my vote. Ideology is what is most important.

  10. Yes

  11. More experienced hitting the crack pipe and marijuana bong.

  12. She Governor of Alaska that's the same as being a girl guide leader!!!

    She earned 116,000 votes to win the election, not much more than went to hear Obamas speech in Denver.  

  13. h**l yes

  14. It is a toss up. It does take calling Obama inexperineced off the table for McCain

  15. Nope, don't agree at all!

  16. She has held an executive position, he never has.  Her time as governor is longer than his 143 days in the senate.  The better question is how the two can be compared.  She is running for vp--he is running for the top spot as president.    ***

  17. does it really bother you to see Obama get the short end of this stick?

    Obama is a inexperienced senator..period

  18. By far.  I like now the distinction some people are making that she has "executive experience" you know, like the manager at a McDonalds.  She has never dealt with foreign policy, The Senate, Congress or even taxes.  In an interview she even said she doesn't know what the VP does.

  19. No, all he did was vote present a bunch of times, and spent most of his career running for President, talk about arrogant!!!! She has executive experience, she is in charge of one of the biggest national guard units in the country, she got rid of the corruption in her state, she is not scared of Pelosi, and will actually stand up to her(that in itself is reason to vote for her) She is in charge of a whole state, Obama only voted on a bill to kill babies!!!!!

    Way to go McCain!!!!

  20. Nope. Obama and Palin are both in their first term and both are similar ages with similar political experiences. Only difference being Palin has lead the National Guard and has executive leadership experience. Obama has lived in his ivory tower looking down on the working people of America. Luckily Palin's nomination will derail Obama's momentum leading another McGovern and Mondale style defeat come November.

  21. Maybe at getting political favors in buying a home but not when it comes to leadership.

  22. Palin has run a city and a state. She has made executive decisions as a governor on a daily basis.

    Obama started running for President after his first year as a senator.

    He has never run anything. He has never even chaired a commitee meeting!


    Obama was elected to the Illinois Senate in 1996, succeeding State Senator Alice Palmer as Senator from the 13th District, which then spanned Chicago South Side neighborhoods from Hyde Park-Kenwood south to South Shore and west to Chicago Lawn.[26] Once elected, Obama gained bipartisan support for legislation reforming ethics and health care laws.[27] He sponsored a law increasing tax credits for low-income workers, negotiated welfare reform, and promoted increased subsidies for childcare.[28] In 2001, as co-chairman of the bipartisan Joint Committee on Administrative Rules, Obama supported Republican Governor Ryan's payday loan regulations and predatory mortgage lending regulations aimed at averting home foreclosures,[29] and in 2003, Obama sponsored and led unanimous, bipartisan passage of legislation to monitor racial profiling by requiring police to record the race of drivers they detained and legislation making Illinois the first state to mandate videotaping of homicide interrogations.[28][30]

    Obama was reelected to the Illinois Senate in 1998, and again in 2002.[31] In 2000, he lost a Democratic primary run for the U.S. House of Representatives to four-term incumbent Bobby Rush by a margin of two to one.[32][33]

    In January 2003, Obama became chairman of the Illinois Senate's Health and Human Services Committee when Democrats, after a decade in the minority, regained a majority.[34] During his 2004 general election campaign for U.S. Senate, police representatives credited Obama for his active engagement with police organizations in enacting death penalty reforms.[35] Obama resigned from the Illinois Senate in November 2004 following his election to the US Senate.[36]

    Obama voted in favor of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and cosponsored the Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act.[54] In September 2006, Obama supported a related bill, the Secure Fence Act.[55] Obama introduced two initiatives bearing his name: "Lugar–Obama," which expanded the Nunn–Lugar cooperative threat reduction concept to conventional weapons,[56] and the "Coburn–Obama Transparency Act," which authorized the establishment of, a web search engine.[57]

    Obama sponsored legislation requiring nuclear plant owners to notify state and local authorities of radioactive leaks.[58] In December 2006, President Bush signed into law the "Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act," marking the first federal legislation to be enacted with Obama as its primary sponsor.[59] In January 2007, Obama co-sponsored the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act, which was signed into law in September 2007.[60] He introduced S. 453, a bill to criminalize deceptive practices in federal elections.[61] Obama also introduced the Iraq War De-Escalation Act of 2007. [62]

  24. gee, up until two days ago, experience or lack of it was just a ploy to put down Obama. All of a sudden it is important now!

  25. Yes, I do.  

  26. Alaska is the size of Austin, TX, Chicago, IL.... Umm yes, that's no brainer...

    Being a Mayor of 6,000 with only a Bachelor's Degree doesn't qualify you with executive experience... Although she is in an investigation herself, her viable opponents were people she whistleblew to get there...  

  27. Not sure because ive never heard of Palin in my life.

  28. Well, she has been the Governor of Alaska for two years, and he has been in the Senate for two years. Considering that being a Governor of a state is like being president of that state, the executive leader of that state, she has more experience by far.

  29. No, she is more experienced and she is at the BOTTOM of the ticket. The Dem ticket is upside down.

    You know what's funny, people are comparing Obama to Palin now, not McCain who is the other presidential candidate.

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