
Poll ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Who do you think is the Must-Not-Be-Elected Presidential Candidate ?

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Poll ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Who do you think is the Must-Not-Be-Elected Presidential Candidate ?




  1. McCain. They will overturn Roe V Wade and he is 4 more years of Bush, and that we do not need!

  2. McCain. He is 72 years old. From my experience with people this age, I know they are not sharp as a tack and they cannot make instant and decisive decisions if needed. McCain's cognitive skills are limited at his age. Not taking any respect away from him but this should be on every ones mind.

  3. McCain, we need a change and his not offering one.

  4. I think both candidates are pretty good guys. Remember though, when they get in to office, it is business as usual and you know what that means...more of nothing. The political machine takes over and sadly, it doesn't have much to do with who's president.

    I don't think we need to hate one candidate and love the other. Really, both of these men have some pretty interesting, likable qualities. For me, it comes down to my needs, my values and my paycheck.

    Pretty basic.


  5. McCain just b/c of the chance that that radical Palin could possibly become president.

  6. Neither are a 'must not be elected,' but Obama is the least favorable for the country.  


  8. Barring any Earth-shattering events, one of them WILL be elected.

    Barack Obama is the better candidate.

    I'm inclined to say John McCain in answer to your question, however, as bad as I think John McCain would be for our country, if he was elected, the world would still spin on its axis and life would go on.

    (Even worse for our country would be if John McCain is elected, and then dies, and then Sarah Palin takes over, a very real and frightening possibility.)

  9. Obama

  10. Barak Hussein Obama must not be elected to president or to national dog catcher for that matter.  I have nothing against him as a human being but I grew up with a dozen con-artists just like him and I do not want nor will i accept one such as president.  

  11. Right now I still think I would be Ok with either. However, I am almost ready to give McCain this label.

  12. Obama bin Biden

  13. McCAIN

  14. How about the Messiah, an omitted (former) Cocaine user, with a close relationship to Bill Ayers, the leader of the Weather Underground Organization, who gave almost a million dollars to his cousin (Raila Uding) that is now in a Kenyan prison for election rigging, whose first major financial contributors was Antoin "Tony" Rezko (also in prison), and whose father was a polygamist-alcoholic. I don’t want to too hard on this guy, but what the heck…





    (Pretend we’re sing that Aretha Franklin song together)

    Change what?

    Change what?

    Change what?

    Change what?

    Change what, please tell me…

  15. For the last two years, Barrack has been running for this office. I was first wowwed by his charisma and needed to learn more.

    I thought, "would it not silence our critics around the world to see a black american president?".

    Then I looked into his story, there is nothing there. It is all politics and no substance. I realize that I must be impartial to his color or lack of it.

    I see just foam, reflections off the bubbles but there is nothing there. Not even anti-american activity is there, nothing.

    I cannot see him as a leader of anything more important than a fashion show.

    He is pretty. He says a lot of nice things, but he has done nothing,

    He must not be elected president.

  16. Insane Mcain Must-Not-Be-Elected

  17. BUSH

  18. Voltemort

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