
Poll ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Would you prefer the first black U.S. President to the first woman U.S. Vice President ?

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Poll ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Would you prefer the first black U.S. President to the first woman U.S. Vice President ?




  1. Sarah Palin the First Women Vice President.

  2. I could give two hoots about race, gender, whatever.  What I want is someone committed to the ideals that will keep our country strong.  I'll take someone with no experience and good ideas over someone with lots of experience and bad ideas.

    If it will get us a limited government and the h**l out of the empire business I'll vote for a left handed green trisexual dwarf that listens to Barry Manilow.

  3. Its been shown that black people are not going to vote for a guy just because he's black...see Alan Keyes. I think people go more for the issues they stand for.

  4. The first Black US President.

  5. Woman!!! I am a woman and I want a woman!  

  6. I would prefer the most qualified person be elected.  Since there are none this year.   This poll is mute.

  7. Vice

  8. You must remember, he's half white too and was raised by a white family. And he is a stronger leader than Mccain and definitely better than Palin.

  9. Vice,

    but its not about that at all,... seriously. its about the issues that they stand for. I just can't find a way to vote for obama when he wants to raise my taxes and take away my rights to the 2nd ammendment!

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