
Poll:Your opinion on marriage?

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Do you feel marriage has changed alot in the past say, 10 or so years? If so; do you feel it a change for the better or has it become worse or less meaningful?




  1. A marriage is what you make it. What other people do and how they live their life has nothing to do with any ones marriage but their own. My marriage has not changed because the neighbor chose not to get married or the g**s down the street did.

  2. I have no idea. I have just married for the first time in Feb 2008. It's only been 6 months since I got married. This is my first marriage, but my hubby's second marriage. Well, I feel marriage is to bring a couple's love to the next higher level.

  3. I personally believe that marriage has changed. before you use to get married buy a house and then have a family, now a days people either have the kids then buy the house then get married. I think that its more or less a piece of paper for most. I do believe that there still are people out there that marriage is a symbol of love and get married for the right reasons and not just because they should!

  4. it has become worse or less meaningful because they love each other and they go to the register office and get married without the knowledge of the parents and they live seperately in there house and when the parents fix the maraige with some one else they get married and go with them.

    or some times get seperated do to some misunderstanding.    

  5. It's about the same, with less meaning these days.

  6. It probably has and i'm not sure its changed for the best from what I hear. It seems like the concept of marriage is different. Diffrent expectations and ones that my parents would have never had.  I can speak for myself and say that I've been married for almost 7 years and we have a strong marriage and its built on what my parents values were. I couldn't be happier.  

  7. With the advent of homosexuals wanting to change the definition of marriage to be between two consenting adults...

    I feel marriage is slowly loosing it's meaning.

    It's beginning to mean that marriage is only meant for the pleasure of having s*x and the slight possibility of forming a type of family group.

    Whereas traditionally, a marriage was thought as the foundation of the social structure of society in which children are raised to be productive members in society.  The social structure is by nature a heterogeneous mix, with specific gender roles given to men and to women.  Our social structure should NOT be defined by the minority.

    If marriage was based on purely the capability of having s*x - marriage would not have been needed at all.

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