
Poll:fears :x :o :( lol

by  |  earlier

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i was walking down my hall and its dark and it got me thinking of what i fear and i realized how much of a baby i am lol what are some of your fears??

secret fear:the dark

stupid fear but a fear nontheless: being attacked by squirrels

(dont ask long story lol)

annoying because theyre everywhere fear: spiders and bees

worst fear: losing my sisters or my mom

random fear: drinking soo much water my cells swell and i die

common fear: dead bodies, cemitaries, hospitals

lol idk




  1. Irrational fear; snakes. I think I have it under control though.

    Worst fear; being seriously injured and unable to get away from fire, in the end being burned.

    A fear that's a phobia, podophobia, the fear of feet.

    I also worry a lot about what's in my food. Tiny bones or shards of bones as well as dirt, sand and so on, if I suspect that it's there then I can't eat anymore.  

  2. getting shot by my neighbor,  yellow jacket bees (my moms allergic so i may be too), losing my parents or best friends,  moving, spiders, snakes,

    Biggets fear: tornadoes

    Secret fear: the dark, the girls in my new dance class wont accept me for who i am cuz i cant do all the things they can and they will all make fun of me

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