
Poll:green tea or coffee?

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Poll:green tea or coffee?




  1. I tried for a whole month to like green tea as it is so good for you.

    However, I couldnt, its disgusting. Coffee anytime.

  2. green tea, i ain't a coffee guy.

    it's hot and has a nice smell to it and tastes awesome

  3. Coffee for this girl but I do like Green tea as well :)

  4. Green Tea!!! i love it...

  5. Coffee all the way, I just don't like the taste of green tea.

  6. Green Tea

  7. I prefer coffee.

  8. Both taste disgusting

    but green tea boosts your metabolism

    so I'd say green tea.

  9. green tea its better and less caffeine

  10. coffee lots of please

  11. Coffee - cappuccino please.

  12. coffee, green tea is foul

  13. Coffee.

  14. I am a coffee person, but green tea is healthier and diuretic.

  15. Green tea, as its ridiculously higher in antioxidants compared to coffee. Also, unlimited amounts can be drunk daily without getting heart palpitations, or a caffeine rush.

  16. Definately coffee!!! Unless you are British!

  17. I would prefer coffee, although green tea is probably more healthy for you.

  18. Grean tea. I like it and it is very healthy for us and offers about 1/3 the amount of caffeine as coffee. I simply don't like coffee. It smells completely horrible to me and I have never been able to stomach trying to even tasting something that smells so bad. Plus what benefits does it offer besides the caffeine? Nothing.

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