
Polls/Survey: Global Warming: Real or Not?

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Polls/Survey: Global Warming: Real or Not?




  1. Global warming has been going on now for about 100 million years. does it exist.......Yes When the Pyramids of Giza were built they were in a grassy savanna. Are the Egyptians guilty of global warming? of course not!

    Do we have the effect that everyone says?  Lets go to Las Vegas because figures don't lie but lier's figure. any time you put a lot of data into a short time you will change the average.

    The polar ice cap is melting to the lowest point in recorded history. We started keeping this record in 1972 when we put a satellite up there that took pictures of the Ice cap. so out of 250 Million years since the great extinction we have 36 years of data.

    Your guess is as good as mine.

    Oh ya when I was in grade school in 1972 the scientists said we were headed for a Ice age and we were experiencing global cooling. I wonder what ever happened with that.

  2. Depends. GW is real, AGW is not.

  3. Global Warming is real. Man made Global Warming is a lie.

  4. Wow, thanks for the heads up threeseriesftw! Ozone has caused cooling and we know because the link you posted shows that the sun is a billion degrees and space is a negative billion degrees. What a nice round number. Unfortunately it's off by a few hundred million degrees on both ends since the sun is actually 5,500 C and outer space isn't a single temp, it depends on your distance from the sun and whether you're in the shadow of another object, as low as about -220 C out by Pluto.

    And the contention on that page that "The Ozone Layer disappearing has been dubbed "Global Warming" is pretty amusing, but factually very far from true.

    Why ask my opinion? It won't matter because it looks as if the AGW lobby will get it's way and we'll all be sending billions to China and India, gutting our productivity and shivering in cold, dark houses. Maybe very cold if the globe is actually cooling but we'll be well into the next ice age before they'll admit they're wrong about the warming. After all, it's not global warming, now it's climate change, so any change proves their theory.

  5. with no ozone, days get warmer and nights get colder. Global cooling exists because of global warming

  6. not real

  7. I think it just happens -- man didn't create the ice age or cause the ice age to end.  Man didn't destroy the dinosaurs either.  Just the earth doing it's thing.

  8. It has been reported that England has had the coldest year since 1800's.

    So I don't think warming is accurate.

    Personally, I think the world has its own agenda and we are very arrogant to think that we have much impact on the planet as we think!

  9. real and not real

    real- co2 emissions has caused the earth to warm up

    not real- the earth is going through its cycles ( nearing its ice age) it normal

  10. yes! I believe global warming is real! It's happening now!

  11. Real - to both

  12. It is real.  

    The debate is why it's warming and if we can do anything about it.

    There are those that claim it's a natural phenomenon that occurs periodically and the warming is nothing new under the sun.  Well, not in the long term, anyway.  Scientists say it happened before and it'll happen again.  The problem is that man is doing things that are possibly accelerating the process.

    Granted, the carbon dioxide man is spewing into the air and the factories byproducts being produced are not doing the atmophere much good.  

    But, considering the fact that the last time Earth experienced global warming, man didn't have anything to contaminate the atmophere with, so what caused it is being studied.

  13. Real.

    Why ask people here?  

    What's wrong with counting scientific papers?

    "The consensus was quantified in a Science study by Prof. Naomi Oreskes (Dec. 2004) in which she surveyed 928 scientific journal articles that matched the search [global climate change] at the ISI Web of Science. Of these, according to Oreskes, 75% agreed with the consensus view (either implicitly or explicitly), 25% took no stand one way or the other, and none rejected the consensus."

    The public is completely misinformed by oil industry porpaganda, but not all of us buy into the phony appearance of "two sides" that ExxonMobil is spending truckloads of money to create:

    Americans Consider Global Warming an Urgent Threat

    Sixty-two percent of respondents to a national survey believe that life on earth will continue without major disruptions only if society takes immediate and drastic action to reduce global warming.

    Further, 68 percent of Americans support a new international treaty requiring the United States to cut its emissions of carbon dioxide 90 percent by the year 2050 according to the survey conducted by Yale University, Gallup and the ClearVision Institute.

  14. Man made global warming - h**l NO!

    150 year warming since the last mini ice age - Thankfully yes.

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