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  1. Um, Taurus women, they are beautiful, but misunderstood. alot of peopel think they are b%$#$^s bc they don't like to be pushed around. I like Aries women, but not the super bossy ones, they are annoying. I also like Cancers, bc they are sweet and we get along well.

    Men- Virgos. intelect, hot and freaky, Aquarians-both sexes, pretty cool, Leos-but don't brage too much, because I get bored of hearing you talk about urself like the world revolves around you, and Caps for friends. Guess I don't have a fave. alot of people aren't going to understand a certain sign bc they may not get along well with you, so of course you're going to not like them, and if you get along well, of course you will. All is subjective. The only sign I don't like is Gemini-women.. and not all of them are bad, i don't like the insecure, talkative, gosspiy two faces kinds, bc those are bad traits to have or Libra men, can you say liars?

  2. I like Geminis, Capricorns, Virgos, Libras... REGARDS!!

  3. hmmm i guess taurus and pisces!

    im a pisces :)

  4. i like aquarians, libras, gemini

  5. I can't really say that I dislike any of the signs, only some particular people that happen to have some of those sun signs, but then again I don't really know what makes up the rest of their charts so I can't really say that it has to do with their sun sign inparticular. I know that the whole chart needs to be taken into consideration so I really can't be bias to the sign. I can tell you that usually sun signs don't matter I tend to get along better with other people who's moon signs mesh well with me. My best friend is a capricorn, I'm a libra, but her moon is libra, we've been friends for over 10 yrs. My boyfriend virgo again has the moon in libra. I get along great with others who have the sun in gemini (my moon is gemini) and I also get along good with cancers (my rising sign). But I don't think I have a favorite sign, we all have our stregths and weaknesses. Their is no perfect sign.

  6. Sagittarius & Libra & Aries ;)

  7. i like cancer and pisces only

  8. my fav would be sagittarius and capricorn

    i generally really like scorpios, it's my sign but i usually become friends with scorpios i don't know why

    haha i just realized i like the signs that are at the end of the year

  9. I love Scorpios and Aries. Both so s**y, confident and direct.

  10. I think that all of them are wonderful in their own ways. Perhaps I would declare Scorpio as one of my favs yet there are so many others that appeal to me.

  11. Well, If I did'nt pick my sign-the awesome Aries- I would pick Scorpio.

  12. I second moondreamer_923. My sentiments exactly. The whole chart matters, and I will not bias any Sun sign. I also have a very good friend who is a Capricorn with a Libra Moon. ;)


  13. Fav. would have to be Virgo, like me, cuz we completely get each other.

  14. libras and geminis...without bad habits..

  15. Male, Sagitarius. They are exciting, honest, interesting. Plus My venus is in Sag.

    Female, Scorpio. They are like me.

  16. scorpio because I am one

  17. Cancer because I am one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

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