
Polls or Suvery..Do you think I look better looking up or down?

by  |  earlier

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you have to imagine what I would look like looking down..* thankyou..




  1. Look up or down, your still a beautiful women

  2. looking down.

  3. you look good looking up. i like this avatar. it is so colorful

  4. Dude get a life, will ya!!!

  5. Looking up makes you look expressive.  Looking down, I think would make you reflective.  I like up!

  6. Either way your eyes are looking good!

  7. lets try both and I'll tell you

  8. Looking has optimistic connotations...

  9. I think you look just wonderful looking up my girl. I tried to imagine this pic upside down and didn't like it as much. LOL

  10. Up


  11. You look totally beautiful either way.

  12. You know what, I can'treally picture any differences, looking up or looking down. As a matter of fact, I can't even see your picture when I look up or when I look down, so I just have to totally imagine what you look like when I'm looking either direction.

  13. Get out of here, you hippie.

  14. looking down

  15. You're just plain RETARTED!  

  16. Always UP!


  17. lo0king up..

  18. Always up, sweetie, always up...

    I couldn't bear you looking down.


  19. Either way, you're a babe...

  20. you look good, period.

  21. Look up if you wanna be arrogant.

    Look down if you're guilty, or sad.

    Look straight if you wanna be neutral.


  22. Looking up, it means you are happy and dreaming!

    Looking down means you are sad!

  23. haha up for sure! so you can see Pocko's family jewels from down under!

  24. whatever Up ok..but only because Kiki is there..

  25. Up

  26. Things are looking up!

  27. are you drunk....♥

  28. both :)

  29. I think you would look even greater on my arm at dinner tonight,we can exchange glances until we hear the sounds of salvation.

  30. Looking up is much more positive =)

  31. it is your real photo?

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