
Pollution - random facts?

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hay im doin homework assignment, and its for a speech and its about pollution, so if anyone has anything interesting or aany helpful sites you might think will help me with countries that have a big issue with it or what causes it or what happens when there is a lot or what might happen in the future becuz of it and global warming and stuf..anything at all like that..tht wud b sooo mch help,, thanx!!




  1. In France, a scientist put electrodes and a radio transmitter into a trout's brain. A computer reads and decodes the signals. The trout reacts strongly to tiny amounts of pollution in its water. The fish can detect as little as one-billionth of one gram of a pesticide in a liter of water. More trout like this one can be used as pollution meters. All you would have to do is let them swim in questionable water, and tell us what they think about it.

    The USA uses 29% of the world's petrol and 33% of the world's electricity.

    The industrial complex of Cubatao in Brazil is known as the Valley of Death because its pollution has destroyed the trees and rivers nearby.

    Over 4 million cars in Brazil are now running on gasohol instead of petrol. Gasohol is a fuel made from sugar cane.

    Since 1970, Americans have cut releases of air pollutants by more than 50 million tons. If you put that many tons into dump trucks lined up bumper to bumper, they would stretch from Baltimore to Dallas the long way -- around the world!

    It would take 20 of today's new cars to generate the same amount of air pollution as one mid-1960s model car. In another 10 years, thanks to new automotive and fuel technologies, it will take 33 cars to produce the air pollution emissions of one mid-1960s model.

    Added weight makes your car's engine run less efficiently, increasing air pollution

    40% of America's rivers are too polluted for fishing, swimming, or aquatic life.

    Two-thirds of US estuaries and bays are either moderately or severely degraded from eutrophication (nitrogen and phosphorus pollution)

    1.2 trillion gallons of untreated sewage, stormwater, and industrial waste are discharged into US waters annually. The US EPA has warned that sewage levels in rivers could be back to the super-polluted levels of the 1970s by the year 2016.

    Asian rivers are the most polluted in the world. They have three times as many bacteria from human waste as the global average and 20 times more lead than rivers in industrialized countries.

    Each year, plastic waste in water and coastal areas kills up to:

        * 100,000 marine mammals,

        * 1 million sea birds, and

        * countless fish.

  2. Most of the info you want is in that new (famous) book, "Lives Per Gallon" who works in California guvment,for Arnold now, although it seems he worked for the previous guvnor, too. Great read, lot of new facts.


  4. Air Pollution Fact #1: Since 1970, Americans have cut releases of air pollutants by more than 50 million tons. If you put that many tons into dump trucks lined up bumper to bumper, they would stretch from Baltimore to Dallas the long way -- around the world!

    Air Pollution Fact #2: It would take 20 of today's new cars to generate the same amount of air pollution as one mid-1960s model car. In another 10 years, thanks to new automotive and fuel technologies, it will take 33 cars to produce the air pollution emissions of one mid-1960s model.

    Air Pollution Fact #3: Compared with just 10 years ago, America's largest cities are recording dramatically fewer days on which air pollution exceeds federal standards.

    Air Pollution Fact #4: One major air pollutant, lead, is nearly gone from our air. Since the mid-1970s, levels of airborne lead are down 96 percent. Despite these facts, there's still room for improvement. Everyone can help make a difference in this effort.

    Air Pollution Fact #5: Reducing the use of the air conditioner in your car will you'll continue to reduce the air pollution you create.

    Air Pollution Fact #6: It would take 20 of today’s new cars to generate the same amount of pollution as one mid-1960s model car. In another 10 years, thanks to new automotive and fuel technologies, it will take 33 cars to produce the emissions of one mid-1960s model. As the American Automobile Association (AAA) has reported, in many of our major cities, cars and light trucks are no longer the primary or even secondary cause of summertime ozone ‘smog.’

    Air Pollution Fact #7: Added weight makes your car's engine run less efficiently, increasing air pollution.

    Air Pollution Fact #8: On average, the number of exceedance days of air pollution monitored in the Los Angeles-Long Beach metro area declined by 7.3 days per year between 1980 and 1999.

    Air Pollution Fact #9: US EPA ozone exceedance data indicates that, on average, the number of exceedance days monitored in the US declined by 5.5 days per year between 1980 and 1999.

    Air Pollution Fact #10: Between 1980 and 1999, a 43 percent reduction in the three-year average number of air pollution exceedance days was observed.

    Air Pollution Fact #11: A reduction of 93.7 exceedance days (over a quarter of a year), from an average of 218.0 days in 1980-1982 to an average of 124.3 days in 1997-1999

    Air Pollution Fact #12: In the 1950s, smog levels in Southern California were worse than they are today in Mexico City, where current US standards for smog are violated every day of the year.

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