
Poltergeist-is it a demon, a ghost, or perhaps the manifestation of the psychic energy of a living person?

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I would like to hear your perspectives?

I say it can be all of these depending on the person and situations....Yes demons like to play games, I believe I have dealt with one in the past. Ghost are real, and like some people some ghost make noise to get your attention, and some may not even know that your there.

I heard stories of some people with this psychic energy abilities. Psychic Dictionary defines kinetic energy as "the movement of objects spontaneously, unwilled and without mundane means." In other words, unlike psycho-kinetic energy, which is the deliberate mental manipulation of tangible objects, kinetic energy can be just as powerful but unconscious, qualifying it as another phenomenon often confused with a haunting.

What I have ascertain and concluded is I have withness and experienced all of these hauntings, poltergeist, and perhaps other aspects of hauntings to all be true. Things all my life seem to start up and end again on it's own.

When I was young child, my...




  1. these are the manifestations of extraordinary senses in some humans.developing such traits with the aid of the word of GOD will make the ability perfect for the works of GOD not for this world or power of darkness.Believe GOD though his son Jesus Christ and pray to him everyday to guide and protect you .

  2. I'm able to see them more like a shape around people  or a light but some things are better untold sometimes I'm talking to people and see them it's like a mental illness but also empowering to be able to sense what others don't but can't tell we're important to them there's a reason why you should know that some things are not meant to be proved

  3. I think its just a spirit (good or evil) bored and it messes with people (usually young) I think spirits are cool ;p

    They come from people that died and have not crossed over? Who knows? Thats a question that may never be answered ;p

  4. Kinetic energy is the same no matter if potential energy comes from the Mind, Ghost or physical properties, its just 'energy on the move'. Now this seems like an out of control situation. It could be you, I rule out demons because they just don't have the energy to do that, without the individual being negative. Probably poltergeist, who knows?

  5. A poltergeist is the trickster of the bunch. You've got it right, excess kinetic energy. Usually very mild, my sister had one for only a few weeks while going through puberty. Things would fly off the fireplace mantel when she walked past and other nuisance things, fairly harmless, usually humorous.

    Not a ghost, not a demon, usually passes very quickly (two to three weeks) and normally associated with one going through the changes of puberty.

  6. basicly poltorgist means when a spirit moves things it can be anytype of spirit if they move things

  7. You gave a list of certain explanations for poltergeists, but inexplicably you left out some of the most likely explanations -- visual illusion, unconfirmed stories, normal house noises, etc. I would encourage you to not be so closed-minded to the normal in your rush to believe in the paranormal. I also think it's interesting how there apparently is so much effort in trying to explain a phenomenon that has never been shown to actually exist (poltergeists) by appealing to other phenomenon that have never been shown to exist (ghosts, telekinesis, etc).

  8. Read this article on telekinesis, you can see that some facts about psycho-kinetic energy, otherwise, telekinesis hasn't been proven.

    Ghosts are real, of a poltergeist, not a magician, read this link on levitation, it is the second link down.

    Take a look at this picture where are some are taught through ancient martial arts,

  9. A poltergeist is a German word for noisey ghost.

  10. well, usually poltergeist is used to explain a manifestation as you said, or at least, that's what most recorded events have documented it as. but you may not even have any sort of entity, u could just be clairvoyant, giving you special abilities i guess. . . .but most of my information is coming from Discovery Channel's A Haunting

  11. A ghost that manifests itself by noises, rappings, and the creation of disorder.

    Although the name is a Victorian borrowing from German, the phenomenon has been repeatedly described in English sources from Elizabethan times onwards; sometimes a boggart or similar household goblin was blamed, sometimes witchcraft, sometimes a demon or a ghost. Famous examples, much discussed by learned writers at the time, were the ‘devil’ haunting the royal palace at Woodstock in 1649; the ‘Tedworth Drummer’ which caused innumerable disturbances in a Wiltshire house from 1661 to 1663, and was thought to be a demon magically sent by an aggrieved ex-soldier whose drum had been confiscated by the magistrate living there; and the ‘c**k Lane Ghost’ of 1760-2 (Bennett, 1987: 184-8; Finucane, 1982: 140-3, 157; D. Grant, The c**k Lane Ghost (1965)).

    The name of unexplained rappings, noises, and similar disturbances. The term poltergeist (Polter Geist, or rattling ghost) is indicative of the character of these "beings." It is believed poltergeists rarely cause serious physical injury, but can cause much damage by breaking fragile objects and occasionally setting fire to pieces of furniture or clothing. Supposedly a person may be pulled out of bed or levitated.

    Most psychic manifestations require darkness, but poltergeists act in daylight. However, the movement of objects usually happens when no one is looking. One frequently reported claim is that objects rose or fell through the air slowly. Otherwise objects are often seen in flight but seldom beginning to move.

    In the late nineteenth century, to explain the crashing noises that occurred such as the sounds of breaking crockery later found intact, Adolphe d'Assier advanced a theory in his book Posthumous Humanity (1887). He suggested inanimate objects also possess a double, a phantasmal image and it is the duplicate that is flung by the poltergeist. D'Assier stated the sum of motion a moving body possesses is found by multiplying the mass of the moving body by its velocity and its live force at the moment of fall is equal to half the bulk by the square of velocity. D'Assier's theory was discarded.

    Reportedly, Italian psychical researcher Ernesto Bozzano collected statistics on hauntings and claimed that out of 532 cases, 374 were ghostly manifestations and 158 were poltergeists.

  12. Umm, well poltergiest means ghost in german.

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