
Poltical Correctness (my ****!!)?

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Ok I read a question on here about Irish being known as Gaelige not Gaelic and an answerer said that they always called it Gaelic and that Gaelige was just 'American PC gone mad'.

I'm really angry!

Yes I get annoyed at little things, but this is my country after all!




  1. I thought Irish was known as Thieving Gypsy!!!! I've come across many of you in my time and lost 3 vehicles and 2 shop windows to you, not to mention my downstairs window where you gained entry to rob my shop! IRISH?!!

  2. Political Correctness affects us all darling not just you lot on the emerald isle! You should come to England.   :(

  3. i HATE political correctness!  Bill Cosby and the TV shows of the 80s began the political correctness in this country and every one of those celebrities should be sent to h**l.   At a school where my sister teaches, the teachers have been told not to us the word "NO" and not to correct papers using red ink.  "NO" and red ink, they've been told is too negative for a child and therefore should not be used!  

    How ridiculous is that?  

    Thank God for South Park, the Chappelle Show and other similar comedians who refuse to cater to the politically correct.  Political Correctness is for Pusseees.

  4. You go girl!

  5. Get a life love. We Irish have'nt had our own language for 150 years. Good job we all learnt English or we might have found world travel rather more awkward.

    Get real. There is more native Garlic growing than native gaelic. Study philosophy or religion and contemplate the heavens, but the Gaels are dead and gone. We worship the Euro now, and American capitalism. If you want a diet of potato skins and milk, and sad laments on the Irish pipes, get yourself some coarse wollen undergarments and fleas and go and live on the skelligs with some of our sinn Fein politicians. The rest of us Irish like to be connected to reality which means English-USA-EU etc.

  6. well Ciara you've a right to be angry somebody has made a remark about your country and it has offended you, but you know the differences and that's all that matters dont let other peoples ignorance affect you.

  7. Don't rise to it i have come to the conclusion that PC stands for Pathetic C*nts,and its a great country

  8. Damm right Calling irish language gaelic is like calling English language european in stead of its real name

    Erse has not benn used for about 1000 years

  9. I think it is called political gone mad. As an Irish man I am proud of my Gaelic roots and to me, Gaelic will always be prevalent. Do not get annoyed - get even!

  10. Its not political correctness gone mad, its what we call it!! Irish people only use Gaelic to refer to football, really.  Gailge is the proper term for the language.  It may be political correctness, but its justified!!  

    I think americans/brits say Gaelic cos its easier for them to pronounce.

    Dyou know what else irritates me? The way the call Ireland Eire or Erin.  Its Eireann, feckers.

  11. Gaeilge was American PC gone mad?! Well, here' s bit of PC for whoever wrote that claptrap: See You Next Tuesday!

    And that's NOT complimentary, but being uncomplimentary is not PC, so it's hidden ....

  12. American PC gone mad?????????? Gaeilge is literally the Irish word for Irish. Gaelic is spoken by anyone with celtic blood in them, e.g Scots etc.

    Whether Gaelic or Gaeilge is the word for Irish, its feck all to do with PC correctness.

  13. Dead on Ciara!! You tell'em girl!

  14. IT ISNT AMERICAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  15. For anyone wondering, Gaelige is the Irish for Irish.

    Gaelic is any language spoken by the Gaels. Mainly Welsh, Scottish and Irish.

  16. Is maith liom ag imirt peil

  17. So Right Ciara!

  18. If someone says that something is not politically correct, reply with "that's ok.  I'm not a politician."

  19. I know! grrrrrr

  20. Sorry but it is unclear what you are actually mad about

  21. the type of gaelic spoken in ireland is called IRISH....

  22. Tut tut

  23. I thought it was Erse.  So much for my Gaelic poetry anthology called "Terse Erse Verse and Worse"

  24. so what's your question?

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