
Polygraph test for police department?

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I'm kind of worried that during the polygraph they might ask me questions about drug use. I've smoked weed a few times when I was in high school which has been about 10 years. If they ask me a question about drug use should I lie or be honest. I feel if I lie, the polygraph might detect that and i will look like a liar or if i'm honest they might not hire me for that. Anyone with experience on this? Thanks.




  1. They will ask about drug use. If you show signs of deception, they may ask more about drug use.

    Signs of deception will disqualify you much faster than occasional drug use, be honest.

  2. Police departments do not have polygraph tests.  Whoever told you they do was lying to you.

  3. Answer honestly.  Most Police departments will not care about marijuana usage ten years ago.  You are human and make mistakes like everyone else.  Always be honest when taking a polygraph.  If the operator detects deception, you will be disqualified.  Good luck!

  4. You will be asked questions about drug use. Be honest with the interviewer.

    You'll have to tell him/her how many times you've used MJ and explain the circumstances for each least, I had to.

    Even the most stricked-hiring departments/offices will not worry about MJ usage after 5 years (from the last time you used).

  5. No matter what you have done it the pass always be honest. The best way to come out on top of everything in life, is always telling the truth. If you are going to be a cop, don't ever ask again should you lie. You should know better than that.The questions that will be ask of you will determin if you make it or not. So be honest !  Good Luck Buddy

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