
Pom Centro for Verizon Wireless?

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What are your thoughts on the Pom Centro for Verizon?

Is it better than the Sprint phone?

Me and my brother are going to get Pom Centros on Wednesday.

And also, what color do you think is the best for these phones?

Especially for a 13-year-old girl and nearly 12-year-old guy...

Your thoughts, please.

Thanks. :)





  1. the palm centro smart phone has a touch screen which is sometimes useful. It has a sylus for the touch screen as well which is that little stick like what you use on the Nintendo DS. The keyboard is sort of crammed which is a problem. but it has a variety of features. i would suggest that you do your research.  

  2. Palm Centros Crash And Are Really Slow According to one of my friends and its pretty much the same thing on sprint

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