
Pom dance- whats a good way to improve sharpness and placement?

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Pom dance- whats a good way to improve sharpness and placement?




  1. For starters Strength is the most important thing when it comes to sharpness!

    If you are weaker, sharpness is more difficult.  For arm sharpness, try lifting weights.  Also, you can practice your arm positions (and possibly the whole dance) with weights.   Make sure you don't practice it indoors just in case one of the weights flies off.  In that case, you can strap ankle weights to your arms.  Also, too much weight will have a negative effect.  Make it gradual.  

    For leg sharpness, just make sure that you are not over extending your legs, and keep up the same strength.  

    Possibly take a ballet class, which will help tremendously.

    Before you practice the dance with the weights to gain your strength, make sure you have your placement correct.  practice each position in the dance in front of the mirror.  If you do one at an awkward angle, then drill it until it becomes a muscle memory.  When you are sure of your placement in the mirror, you can then work on strength with the weights.  

    Both the sharpness and the placement work together, and once you get them both, your routine will be perfect!

    Hopefully I helped in some way!  Message me for any more questions!

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