
Pomeranian watery eyes?

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my pomeranian seems to have watery eyes more often now. her eyes werent like that before. i wiped off the tears when i saw them for about a few days or so, and now, under her eyes are redish brown. im worried. should i take her to the vet? what is the problem? her behavior's normal, but she didnt have the watery eyes before. i got her one of those remove eye stains thing, but it made it worse. plz help! im really worried!




  1. My gramma's pomeranian, Chico started having the same problem. We took him to the vet and they ran some tests. Come to find out he had allergies. He was allergic to pet dander! The vet prescibed him a medication and a special shampoo. It took about a week for his eyes to start clearing up, but he was completely better within a month. Regardless of what it could be, you're puppy really needs to go to the vet.

  2. my pomeranian has watery eyes too

    its just something that pomerianians have.  i have a white one do the reddish brownish parts are quite noticeable. you want to wipe the tears at least daily or else he might get an eye infection if you leave it uncleaned for a long time.  there is a thing you can buy at pet stores for tears and it works really well at cleaning the tears.  i forgot what is is called though.

    if it is tearing an incredible amount, then you might want to take him to the vet to make sure, but for the most part, this is very common for pomeraninans

  3. She could have distichiasis which is an inverted eyelash. Watery eyes and redness of the eye are signs of this.  It is correctible by surgery.  Take the dog to the vet and have her checked.

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