
Pomeranian wont eat, she recently started!?

by  |  earlier

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so my pom is 1.5 years old and she recently started menstruating. i noticed since around the time she started.... she wont eat, and she's lost alot of weight... i need to know is this normal? and what can i do to get her to eat, i think shes too thin and very light when i pick her up.. :'(

how long does it last?

help please!!!





  1. They go into heat.  All of my dog's have been spayed (the female ones), so I've never dealt with this problem.  Your vet should know.  Call him/her and tell them what's going on.

  2. First I Love your name as that is my daughters name. Second dogs do not menstruate they go into heat. How long have you had your dog? She could have pyrometra (SP), she needs to see the vet to make sure nothing is wrong with her. The vet can advise you on how to get her to eat but remember the smellier the better.  

  3. Dogs don't menstruate they go into heat and that wouldn't stop her from eating. You need to check her mouth for bones or anything that could be caught in there. If there is nothing there she needs to be taken to the vet ASAP so they can figure out what's wrong with her. Good luck.

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