
Pond or tank for turtles?

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well im about too get 3 turtles that are pretty big, i think the owner keeps them in a pond but he said a big tank will do... whats the best thing to keep them in?




  1. They prefer water. It is best to have water and land for them to rest on, that way the turtles can be comfterable. You can get a tank, very large for three big turtles. Fill a small part  of it, halfway up the tank with dirt or sand and the other side with a small layer of sand and water, not reaching the top of the sand bank. If you can get a pond, that way it will be natural and the turtles will be the happiest. Do not release them into the wild, they are too used to humans and would most likley not be able to get their food.

  2. tank,

    unless you have an enclosed pond, i mean, you dont want your turtles running away do you??


    :D good luck

  3. which ever one is bigger =)

  4. "Pretty big" is pretty vague. Figure 10 gallons of tank for each inch of shell -- cumulative. If you have three 10" turtles, that would call for a 300-gallon tank (and a reinforced floor).

  5. If you can build a pond, a pond would be best.

  6. if they were living in a should keep them in a pond.if you are a nice person,you should release them into the wild if the turtles are native to your area.

  7. A pond would be preferable if thats what the owner keeps them in. Otherwise, the larger & more "pond-like" the tank, the better.

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