
Pony Club is this normal?

by  |  earlier

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i used to go to pony club and loved it but there was a group of girls who got their mums to do everything and they were very s****..

Is this in all pony clubs or just my one




  1. this just isn't in the pony clubs its everywhere in the horse world! Doesn't that just drive you crazy!?!?!  Your working here and everyone else is off getting lunch or something....

  2. there might be 1 or 2 people at pony clubs that are a bit s****. and rich but nothing is perfect

  3. yes every pony club is like this most s****. people have alot of  money and expect there parents to do it for them

  4. I would complain about their moms helping them because at Pony Club this is called unauthorized assistance and you can actually get eliminated for it!!! My pc regions very strict about no parental help unless its an emergency. And the snob thing tht is nothing new I can ttly relate with tht, too many girls like tht in pc. I find myself fortunate to kno another club with a few very down to earth girls who I can get along with like sisters, but other than tht they are prtty much all snobs.

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