
Pony Hight Worries....x?

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Hi...I'me a little worried as I have to ride a 15.8hh pony for my pony camp witch is a huge diffrence from riding a 14.2hh(well to me it is). The problem is I cant help worrieng about him getting spooked then running of with me has happed befor on the 14.2 hh one before. What can I do to get over my fear of him I cant change him for camp as all the ponies left are bigger!!! And camps on wednesday. I cant spend anyextra time with him as I only go up the stables for my lesson and dont ride him. I dont have another lesson before camp either to ride him before camp. Please HELP!!! All answers appriciated. xox




  1. don't worry about it! the horse is only a hand and a halve bigger! when you get to camp spend as much time as possible with him (grooming, mucking out etc) i would also ask people who have ridden him before about any vices or things you should be on the look at for! i wouldn't worry too much about it! if your gunna fall off well there's not really much you can do about it! you just have to get right back on and say well im back and this time im here to stay! if you do start to get really nervous then get off the horse and count to ten taking deep breaths until your ready to get back on.... if you start getting nervous then the horse will pick up on that and will get nervous too.... starting a vicous cycle!

    if theres something you dont want to do at the camp on this horse then dont! they cant force you and its better that you didnt do as much as everybody else but had tonnes of fun rather than doing everything and have a c**p time!

    i hope this helps! good luck!

  2. Dont worry about it. I was riding a 12.2hh pony, and im a total beginner to english, and the next week, i was riding a 15.1hh pony (a pony breed, just very big!) Also, for my first ever western lesson, I rode a 15.1 hh Arab, so don't worry, it isnt that bad. Think possitively!!!

  3. im confused because you cant get a 15.8hh horse :S do you mean 15.3hh?

  4. i once had this problem as i went from a 14,2hh to a 16.2hh i was very worried as i had never ridden a horse this big before. you have to realise that not all horses have the same temprament and this horse maybe a very stable ride and hey whats the worst that can happen. . . . . . you will fall off then you get back up and back on i lost count of the amount of times i have fall off breaking thourough breds in. just stay positive the more worried you are the more the horse will play up just hold on tight with those legs and you will be fine

    good luck

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