my neighbour bought a pony for his stuck up little daughter it was her b. day present. he got it while she was on a holiday with her pals and asked me to look after it for him until his daughter got back in 4 weeks time.
the problem was over those weeks me and Timmy ( pony ) began to bond and that bond grew and grew each day.
when the girl ( who shall not be named ) came home i was grooming him and she came right up to me screeching GET AWAY FROM MY NEW PONY !
i was asked to go home.
then this happened 3 days ago , Timmy was out in the feild ( i can see it from my bedroom window ), and he was trying to eat a plastic bag , i ran down to the field and climbed over the fence and pulled it out of his mouth. just as i was leaving she saw me and started sceeching again , i tried to explain but she wouldn't let me talk. and she told me if i ever went near Timmy again she would call the cops.
but i can't get him out of my mind,
what shold i do