
Pony Problem?

by Guest60369  |  earlier

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my neighbour bought a pony for his stuck up little daughter it was her b. day present. he got it while she was on a holiday with her pals and asked me to look after it for him until his daughter got back in 4 weeks time.

the problem was over those weeks me and Timmy ( pony ) began to bond and that bond grew and grew each day.

when the girl ( who shall not be named ) came home i was grooming him and she came right up to me screeching GET AWAY FROM MY NEW PONY !

i was asked to go home.

then this happened 3 days ago , Timmy was out in the feild ( i can see it from my bedroom window ), and he was trying to eat a plastic bag , i ran down to the field and climbed over the fence and pulled it out of his mouth. just as i was leaving she saw me and started sceeching again , i tried to explain but she wouldn't let me talk. and she told me if i ever went near Timmy again she would call the cops.

but i can't get him out of my mind,

what shold i do




  1. Explain to her and her parents that the only reason you did it was because he was eating a plastic bag, and you are sorry for the misunderstanding.

    I know you were just helping, and thats great. The girl doesn't seem to be deserving if she has an attitude like that.

    If the situation occurs again (or something similar) you should go directly to someone who will listen.

    xx sorry but i dunno what you can do about the bond ;(

  2. I think I'd floor her! Bloody brat!

  3. This is a scared, ignorant teenager who is more than a little spoiled- and who needs to GROW UP and learn some major lessons about life and about caring for horses and other animals, not to mention other people. You, the asker, were perfectly justified in doing what you did- I would have done the same thing, as would any horseperson or professional that I know. Does your neighbor even understand that if Timmy had ingested that plastic bag, it MIGHT HAVE KILLED HIM??? She'd have walked out there to the pasture the next morning and found him lying there DEAD, if you hadn't done what you did. I think you need to have a serious talk with this girl's PARENTS, and explain to them what happened and why you did what you did. Don't be afraid to say these things in front of their daughter, too- because she needs to hear that what she did was extremely irresponsible and could have cost her pony his life.  Timmy is lucky to be alive, and he needs a better home and owner than he's got. This girl obviously doesn't know enough, and isn't mature enough, to be trusted with the care of any animal, let alone a horse like that one. I hate parents who are like this- these are the ones who have more money than they do brains. Horses and other animals PAY DEARLY when someone like this gets ahold of them- and it's sickening to see.

    As for the girl, I would ignore her threats to call the cops, and keep a close eye on Timmy- because he needs someone responsible watching him. This kid can't legally do anything to you anyway, because her parents are the ones who really own Timmy, and as long as you have their permission to be on their farm or land, then it makes little difference how much ranting and raving this girl does. Good luck to you, and I am sorry this happened.

  4. u need to tell her parents write a letter if you have to or tell r.s.p.c.a that she didnt do anything when he was eating the abg so you stopped him and the police would take your side not hers so let her tell them:) ur in the right it her and her family in the wrong

  5. well how old is she? if i were u call like the p.c.a and tell them your story maybe then can help?
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