
Poo means money in dreams, right? So what happens if your mom dreams you as a six year old covered in poo?

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So basically my mom had this dream that she was in some place and like there was a bathroom but the really old kind outside like a wooden house thing with a hole for doing your business and she dreamt I was six or so and wanted to do things on my own and fell into the hole so they pulled me out and cleaned me. could that mean anything?




  1. Maybe the 6 year old will grow up to be very rich.

  2. This sounds more like a mother's anxiety dream than anything else.  Your mom wants you to do things on your own, but she worries about you, and she visualizes the worst case of what might happen if she lets you do something on your own.  All parents have dreams about their kids falling or drowning, because they are worried about their kids getting hurt.  

    If your mom just had this dream recently, it could be because you are 18 and growing up and possibly moving out of the house, and she is still worried about what will happen to you on your own.  

    I don't think this dream has anything to do with money.

  3. Rollo has a good insite on you mothers dream.

  4. There's an old english saying 'Where there's muck there's brass'. Could apply to you.

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