
Poodle in distress.?

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i have a 6 lb. poodle. were having a major fireworks tonite in our town. i need to get her settled down before it starts, if i dont the noise will kill her. help.




  1. If you have time, get her some Rescue Remedy (Dr. Bach's Flower Remedy)  It can be purchased at most Pharmacies or Health Shops.

    Spray 2/3 squirts in her mouth straight away and then 2/3 squirts later just before the Fireworks are due to start.    This will help to keep her calm and relaxed.  You can also put a drop of pure Lavender Oil on the bridge of her nose, taking care to get it anywhere near her eyes.

    I was given this tip by another breeder a few years ago because I had a Golden who was terrified of Fireworks and Thunderstorms.  It has worked for her so I hope it works for your little Poodle.  My girl has been known to snore through a thunderstorm since trying this. lol!

  2. If your baby her it just makes it worse.  There are medications available for anxieties like this.  You can also de-sensitize her to the fireworks by playing C/D's with firework recording at low levels during the day and gradually increasing the levels etc.

  3. Some vet will give meds but since it is Sunday, I doubt that you will find a vet open. I hope that you will be staying with her tonight. Turn the TV on louder than usual and keep her next to you.

    I have a German Shepherd  Mix that goes through this every year. I do the above.

    The best that you could do is take your little dog and visit someone out of your town tonight.  

  4. Most dogs are scared of loud noises, such as fireworks.  Their hearing is much keener than ours, remember.  I don't think her fear will ''kill her''.

    Maybe you could drop her off at a friend/family member's house who lives out of town for the night.  Otherwise, I don't see anything you could do other than keep her inside.

    Don't baby her and give her a lot of affection when she hears them and freaks out if you do have to keep her at home.  This will only nurture her fear, and allow it to blossom into something worse.

  5. hi,

    Elegant. Proud. Clever. Poodles are impressive dogs, as the many best-in-show winners from this breed can attest. Behind the blue ribbons, impressive hairdos, and regal attitude, you'll find an affectionate family dog with an ancient history and many talents.

    here's more info:

    hope this helps.

  6. leave her at a freinds house  

  7.      My dogs don't like fireworks at all.  The best thing is for you to stay with your poodle and comfort her if she gets scared.  You can hold her, and comfort her, so she will stay calm.  If she's with you, she will feel safer than if you leave her alone.
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