
Pooh issue help??????

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i am a girl 13 and i never had my period

and after i p**p some times it kinda feels like my p**p is to big for my hole( to be frank) and when i wipe there is a little blood (not much at all like a tiny scrape)

its not in my p**p its kinda like my p**p is stretching my hole and making it bleed

but i was wondering is that normal?




  1. Its a side effect of constipation.  Like the other poster said, eat more fiber.  I had the same problem (called an anal fissure) and my doctor told me to eat a bunch more fruit and veggies.  If it doesn't get better, you'll have to tell your mom to take you to a doctor.  There are medications a doctor can give you to help it heal and prevent it from happening.

    Good luck!

  2. ur just constipated...drink some water and benefiber and you will be fine :D

  3. It sounds like you may be a little constipated or dehydrated. I have had this problem almost my whole life. I would suggest the following:

    1)drink more water

    2)eat more fruit, and vegetables

    3)avoid fried foods/fatty foods

    4)eat oatmeal, cerals, etc (fiber)

    5)before you go to bed at night drink a large glass of warm water with lemon or lime squeezed in it.

  4. You need to take in more fiber in your diet, and soften your stool.  It's not good to have that happen over and over (although it's not terrible...just uncomfortable).  If you find that using something like Metamucel or Fibercon or something along those lines isn't helping, you may need to use a chemical stool softener (Dulcolax for example).

    Also start drinking more water.  At least 70-80 ounces of fluids per day; this will help with your stool consistency as well.

    Worst case, you should see your doctor and report the problem.  Nothing to be embarrassed about, but you should always have smooth, comfortable bowel movements.
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