
Pookie got strangled who's at fault?

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Pookie got strangled who's at fault?

My sister invited me and my children over to her house. She wanted me to bring my little maltese dog to play with her new 8 month old yorkie-poo. She wanted my dog to play with her dog because he wasn't doing very well. They had to force feed this little dog and give him a supplement and sugar because he was hypoglycemic. This little dogs life was still up in the air. He was very fragile and weighed maybe a pound. My sister and I started talking and a few minutes later my 2 year old brought me Pookie who was lifeless. I thought he was dead. I felt his heart and it was beating. He was also gasping for air. My sister ran him to the emergency room. Well it has been a miracle but Pookie has been revived but can't really stand on his own and his head tilts to one side. He has been getting stronger everyday but is at the vets on Iv's. Found out that he has possibly been strangled. And my sister thinks it was my 3 year old boy that strangled him. Maybe. but it could have been other things also. Of course even if my son strangled this dog it was not intentional. Okay so here is my question. Who is responsible for this and the vet bills. The invited guest with 2 small children or the dog owner? I need opinions.




  1. ask ur 3 yr old..n hope hes honest...tell him its important and he won't get into trouble for telling the truth....if he says no..go with your sons word and tell your sister your sorry but there really isnt much you can do since neither one of you actually saw what happened....and if he did it by accident tell her your deeply sorry then step up and pay the of luck!.

  2. first one got it

  3. Her dog was hypoglycemic, not dead. If your child strangled him, you are responsible for the actions of those you're in charge of. As his guardian, you must take responsibility for his actions. If your son did that, you should pay only for the damage caused by the strangulation, not the hypoglycemia.

    If it can't be proven if it was due to his preexisting condition or not, offer to pay for half of the strangling bills because you care about her dog's health. You have a dog, you know how much they mean to people. Not to sound, uh, legally manipulative (which I will sound anyway), at least that effort makes you look like you tried to work it out without having to fork over the whole amount. I knew that would come out wrong!

    If he can't stand, has to be force-fed and his head constantly tilts, I think she should consider euthanasia. If the vet says Pookie still has excellent quality-of-life ahead for him, then try to work this out, but if not, it seems cruel to extend the life of a dog that is suffering.

    edit: I've been reading the other answers, and I wrote this assuming you couldn't make heads or tails whether or not your son did this or not. He's old enough to remember what happened, right? Stick it to the rugrat! Just kidding... just hand him a stuffed dog and ask him to play with it the way he plays with Pookie.

  4. Seeing as the dog was sick in the first place then it would not have been ideal to ask you to bring your dog along so sadly she should have had a little more sense where that was concerned. She should have put him in another room in a bed where he was kept quiet and rested until he had recovered. Out of goodwill though, you could offer a small sum and tell her that you would like to help out a little and please, do not take the children or your dog there again unless she has been sensible enough to keep him out of harms way

  5. you know when my kids were younger and we had kittens they would pick them up and it would look like they were being strangled they dont know the difference on holding little animals i guess i'm saying tell your sister to suck it up it was an accident

  6. Talk to your son  and see what he says. Let him know he's not in any trouble but you need to know. If he says yes then you may want to just pay the bill. If he says no then its technically up to your sister. But as you are all family I would see if there's anyway you can each help each other out and both pay vet bills..remember most importantly is the dog getting best treatment. Your sister may be just overwrought with worry as it was her dog. Doesn't give her the right to place blame but do try to be understanding and see if you two can find a happy medium. Good Luck.

  7. Ouch! Well Atleast He Is Still Alive....

    So, You Should Sit Down With Your Kids And Ask Exactly What They Did To The Dog. I Would Say It's The Owners Problem To Pay For The Bills, Since It's Her Dog And Should Be More Careful, But You Could Split The Bill Or Give Her Extra Money.

    Be Sure To Tell Your Children They Will Be Helping Everyone By Fessing Up And That They Will Not Get In Trouble! Try Bribing Them A Little (Give A Treat If They Talk Openly) And Don't Just Ask "Who Strangled The Dog Half To Death" Just Ask If Anyone Did Anything To The Dog, Ask About How They Played, And Don't Act Mad, Or Strict, Be Very Nice And Act Like It's Nothing, And Your Just Wondering How They Injoyed The Dog. GET THE CLUES!

    Ouch, That Sucks, But Good Luck With The Money And Doggy!

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