
Pool, pump not working, no skimmer basket?

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I just moved (last week) into a new home with an in-ground pool. I’m new to pools. The pool was clean, the water tested perfect and turned on and off automatically so I didn’t want to mess with anything, yet. On Friday, I was cleaning leaves from the pool and opened up where the skimmer baskets would be. There were a lot of leaves in there (which I removed), but no skimmer basket. I thought it was strange since I remember my parents neighbor’s pool had a basket in there. I didn’t think anything of it, and just assumed it didn’t need a basket since everything had been working fine. Yesterday (Sunday) I returned home and noticed the pool wasn’t on, when it normally is. I went over to the pump and filter area noticed it was on, turned it off, and then checked the breaker box. Sure enough, the breaker was flipped, flipped it and went back to the pump. Turned it on, made some horrible noise from inside the filter, and it immediately flipped the breaker again. Looking in my book I had bought on pools (I should have read it more thoroughly before moving in) I read the skimmer basket keeps leaves and debris from clogging the pump. Now I’m afraid I’ve clogged the line or worse ruined the pump and/or the filter. My questions are as follows: 1.Any reason why there would be no skimmer baskets? 2. I assume the line is clogged, is there any other possible explanation? 3. How likely that the pump and/or the filter are ruined? 4. If likely, how much are they to replace? 5. My next step, I assume, is to call a pool guy to come out, is there anything I should be looking for in a pool guy?





  1. first thing I would do is check for water flow, If you have flow then its just a clogged pipe, here's how you fix that... open the strainer for the pump and clean it out.  Then I would turn on the hose and insert it in the pipe ( from the pump,towards the pool skimmer), This should unclog any leaves or debris from the pipe.  If there was debri in the pipe then I would try the pump again.  If no debri then the filter is full or clogged ( full filters put to much pressure on the pump ) Most pumps have a protection device in them to keep them from being overloaded. If you have water flow thru the pump the i would backwash the filer( if it's a sand filter) or clean the filters.  If this doesn't fix the problem then you might have something lodged in the impellers of the pump.  You would have to take apart the pump to find this problem.  If there is no water flow after all this and the pump is still making noise then It sounds as if the pump is going out. A new pump should run anywhere from 150.00 upward depending on the size you need. There is no need to call a pool co to fix this You are very capable of checking all these problems yourself, even if it comes down to replacing the pump. If you have any concerns then feel free to e-mail me at this helps!

  2. Some good answers here.  All I can add is you have two leaf baskets, the skimmer being one and the pump basket being the second.  If the first is missing the debris should be trapped by the second or pump basket.  It is not a good idea to operate this way long term since the pump basket can fill quickly and impede waterflow to the pumb causing it to overheat and burn up the seals.

    Second is there often is a second piece under the basket in the skimmer.  It is called a diverter and is round and shaped like a flying saucer. It makes sounds when you shake it and if you find one in your pool shed install it with the hole flap down.  This device will keep your pump from sucking air as the water level drops below the skimmer opening and could save your pump.

    As for your DE filter, time well spent would be to determine the maker and part and serial number go on line and down load the owners manual as you will need it to fully dissasamble any DE filter.  It will show you how much DE to add once cleaning is complete.

    You're welcome!!

  3. well the guy above me pretty muched covered getting the pump going again...heres a page on what to look for in a poolman:

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