
Pool Crack Repair?

by  |  earlier

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We are looking at a home. It was probably built in the 1950's, and has an indoor concrete Pool. When we were looking at the house I noticed the pool steps there was a crack that went down two of the steps. I'd say it was about 1/8th of an inch wide. There was seperation. How much would it cost to fix this crack?




  1. I have a concrete pool and hydraulic cement does the trick.  It's like $20

  2. if you do it yourself and the pool is empty not too much. is there a height difference in the crack? by that i me en is one side of the crack higher than the other? i'm sure that buy now whatever settling was going on is over so it should be just a matter of filling the crack. a very good product that you can buy at lowe's or home depot is called "elastomeric." force it into the crack and once it dries do it again until you know it's well in the crack.this will last for years and can be painted. it will expand and contract hence "elasto." if the crack is larger than an eighth, portland cement will have to be used first then elastomeric. if you do it yourself-twenty five bucks. degree of difficulty from 1 to 10-3. photos didn't really help.
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