
Pool Owners: Can you get sick from swimming in nasty pool? Neighbor invites my kids to swim in untreated pool.

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We have a wonderful neighbor who is older (in her mid 60s), and she calls everyday to invite us to swim in her pool. we have obliged a few times, because i feel bad for not going, but the pool is gross. is it slimy on the bottom and smells like a pond. there are always dead bugs, leaves, an oily residue, whatever... floating around on the surface. i worry that my children will get ear infections or something from bacteria in the water. is this possible?

she only runs the pump when we are there to swim ( about an hour at a time, once or twice a week), and i have seen her put chemicals in ONLY at the opening of the pool. not again. don't you have to continue to treat pools?

i don't want to say anything, because it's not my pool, and i don't want to appear rude or ungrateful. and i have "swept" the bottom several times with the brush to push the slimy stuff towards the filter in the deep end. i have emptied the skimmer buckets and netted out the dead stuff. But it's still gross.

can you get sick from swimming in a untreated pool?

how would you handle this situation without hurting this woman's feelings? she calls and asks us EVERY day to come swim.




  1. yes you can get very sick

    she seems like a lovely lady but your kids risk a lot more than simple ear infections

    keep them out OUT of that cess pond

    Tell your neighbor,thanks Its my treat to give your pool a clean.Take a sample of water to your local pool shop and get them to test it.Buy the necessary products to de-germ it and use them.

    It will be a lot cheaper than the alternative.

  2. I'm surprised she hasn't had algae bloom.  This is not good for your kids to swim in, I would have to just politely decline her invitation and say the boys are busy with their friends because school is going to start soon, and then keep them out of her sight unless they are outside playing.  She should not run the filter while the kids are in the pool, it's clearly stated on the filter.  Your kids health is more important than her feelings, but I understand where you are coming from.

  3. Sounds like there is a lot you can do before stopping your kids from swimming.

    Do her work for her:

    - Clean the pool.

    - Ask where the chemicals are.

    - Run the pump.

    Make remarks.

    'the pump cleans the water so it's supposed to run at least X hours a day (appear to cite from expertise)'.

    'Don't you have a cover for the pool?'

    'Don't you have someone to maintain your pool?'

    Get your kids to help you to clean the pool before swimming.  Make it an event.

    Eventually she'll get the message.

  4. Better to be rude than get sick. This pool needs serious care. Yes, you can get sick from unclean water.Bacteria is swimming in that pool more than people.

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