
Pool Party for 9 yr olds...

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What is a good beginning time and end time for a pool party? I plan to have activities along with the swimming.





  1. 11 am to 2 pm I say that because the later the day gets, the hotter the sun will be... It's kinda cool around 11 and you could let em swim, then serve pizza etc, arount 12:15 & they can take 15 or 20 out, then they can swim more. Have a refreshment like cookies and punch about 1:30, they can dry off before they go...3 hours of swimming is enough. If you are just having them over to hang out all day then 5 pm would be about right, but thats to much sun & water time. Lots of mishaps could happen in 6 hours of swimming!!!!!!!!! Just my opinion.....

  2. I say around 4-7pm. That gives you enough time to cook the food and and prepare for entertainment. Also, it gives you time to yourself before you start watching the nine year olds. because sometimes they can be a handful.

  3. 11 a.m. Till 5p.m

  4. 1030 - 3

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