
Pool & Snooker practice in Derby?

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I used to play for a Sunday pool league at my local pub. Since moving house 3 yrs ago I haven't had much opportunity to play & my new local is not very good.

I am not as good a player as I used to be, and I find that nerves get the better of me.

How can I learn to settle nerves early on.

Any ideas where I could maybe find a practice partner of a suitable standard for Sunday lunch, or something like that.

I think Snooker is a better game, I'd like to learn that, same question, where can I find people at my level to practice with. I can't over commit with work etc.




  1. keep practising

  2. mate you need to practice at home to improve your skills, the idea of buying a table for practicing comes from the fact that you can't control your nerves and you can't trust yourself so buying a table at home give you a big opportunity to challenge yourself and improve your skills.

    I had same issue and i fixed it, so buy a good table and start practicing.

    trust me...

  3. As a touring pro and instructor this is what i have to tell you. Don't seek out lesser skilled player look for better players. As far as your nerves are concerned, slow down. Breath and totally focus on what your doing. Don't worry about what went on at work today or how the last burger you ate mad you sick. Think pool! I also don't think its your nerves, I think its your confidence.    Have confidence in yourself and try to get quality practice by yourself. Buy some instructional video's or books. Phill Capelle is my recommendation to you. Just click the link. Good luck!

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