
Pool leagues?

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theres so many pool leagues in the world with so many different rules would it not be a good idea if all the rules where the same




  1. The American Pool Players Association (APA) has 250,000 active members nationwide, including Canada and Japan. That makes it a true international league now. The APA has several competitors but the league is the most well organized league in the world featuring levels of play that range from the local level and up to the National level held in Las Vegas each year for singles and team events. They also have a handicap system that is consistent and makes the playing field and the opportunity to advance fair to every skill level of player. Their rules of the game are the professional standard used on the pro circuit. Check the link below to find a league in your area.

  2. That would be great. Only problem is some leagues play on coin-op tables and some don't. I'm not sure but wouldn't that have an effect on some of the rules?

  3. We have been fighting for it for years,1/2 the league questions are about some diffrent rule in effect at 1 place and not another

    Mama & me found 6 diffrent sets in 1 night in Houston all were in 8 blocks of one another-I wont name them they got mad enough already thats the night I was handed a peice of notebook paper  with the  ( BCA ) rules on it a pure joke

  4. Well, it sounds good in theory, but then again, so does communism.

    The problem is, pool leagues are money making operations. They must do something to differentiate themselves from other leagues, and sometimes that starts with the rules.

    Take for example a call shot rules vs. a no call shot rule. Serious players would obviously prefer a league that requires you to call shots, but then again, many not-so-good players would not. So if you want a league geared towards better players, you have a call shot rule, and if you want a league geared towards the lower level players (a much larger audience, by the way), you don't have a call shot rule. This is just one example, but there are a handful of rules you could change to make the game more favorable to different level players.

    Anyway, it would be nice to have consistent rules, but it will never happen. The almighty dollar speaks much louder than the players clamoring for consistency.

  5. I agree.  It is about time that some organisation was formed and worked out a proper set of playing rules.  As they do in snooker, billiards and other sports.  I was secretary of a league for about six years, and had to try to educate players  the rules we were playing under.  Many of these had played different rules and didn't agree with ours.  When I left, the rules changed and I started playing again after several years only to find that the rules had changed so much, it was like a different game altogether.  In all fairness, and despite the massive TV coverage now given to the game, I think it will be several more years before an agreed set of rules is accepted.
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