
Pool or Snooker?

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Pool or Snooker?




  1. Checkers

  2. It really depends on your ability.  Snooker is a much harder game, that has more strategy and required significantly more skill. A snooker table is bigger and the pockets are smaller (so are the balls), and the rails are rounded to the pockets instead of tapered compared to a pool table. This means you must hit the ball perfectly into the pocket without touching the rail or the ball will not fall.  Pool is easier and not as frustrating for beginner and even intermediate players.  I would recommend playing pool to learn the basic then learn snooker.

  3. Okay ......let's flip a coin ......

    Heads: POOL

    Tails:    SNOOKER

    Just rack 'em, and count me in!


  4. I like Pool and Snooker but I probably prefer Pool as I play it more often.

  5. Snooker as it is harder to get it in the pockets so it's more of a challenge. But for having a laugh it has got to be pool. Not American. English pool.

  6. Snooker when playing for money.  Pool when in the pub having a laugh

  7. Snooker

  8. Oh no I dont feel up to a triad today ,so Im a pool player

    Play which ever one you want

  9. pocket billiards

  10. Pool.

  11. pool

  12. pool for sure.... much much easier

  13. Being only small I cant play snooker very well as I cant reach many shots on the table and I'm useless with a rest. I'm good at pool though.

  14. Snooker, it is such a soothing game. Pool is much too brash.
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