
Pool sticks?

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Can anyone tell me how to straighten a pool stick after it's become slightly warped???




  1. Don't even bother trying, a bent cue's useless, get yourself out and get a john paris even though it might cost a bomb if you are a serious player it's worth it, if not get a ronnie or jimmy BCE.

    The best thing to do with a bent cue is burn it or sell it to one of your mates for 2p.

  2. too late, get a new one always put back in the rack and make sure its staright when you get it.

  3. Honestly, a warped pool stick is a useless pool stick.

  4. I have to agree with the others, a warped shaft will never become completely straight again.  Depending on the brand of cue, it may not be all that expensive to order a new shaft.  Most manufacturers have websites where you could inquire about this.  If this is a cue that you plan to have for a long time, it may not hurt to order an extra shaft for emergencies.

  5. u can't

  6. Turn it over and hit the person again with the other side of the stick just as hard as but not harder than you did the first time.

    Just kidding,

    I think you are out of luck unless you can try bending it back with your hands

  7. The only thing I can think of is to soak the stick in water and let dry while  it is forced in the staightened position.  It's a long shot though.  Better get a new one.

  8. It can be fix but would cost alot of money due to the process. Just keep in mind wood its a living thing and it will warp overtime no matter how expensive the wood is. The only way to prevent cue from wrapping is to used a graphite cues which is anti warp. Just get use to it as the like of Eddie Charlton whom cue is like a banana.

  9. No good.. you either need to buy a new one, or else if you can unscrew half of it, you might be able to just get the top half renewed.
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