
Pool water is really foggy??????

by  |  earlier

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we just purchased a 21 foot round above ground pool.

the water was clear when we set it up it was clear for about two and a half weeks then it got foggy the water. We have chemicals that they gave us but we really don't know how to put them in the pool probably that is the reason. We have chlorine tablets floating around the pool and the filter runs for about 5-8 hours a day. So if someone can please help me that will be great.

thank you =)




  1. It is the lack of chemichals

  2. Test the PH and Chlorine.  Make sure they're normal.  That'll keep your water clean.

  3. You should first test the water with a test kit. then add the chemicals as needed you should try to test your pool daily and  dependig on how much you use it you should add in chemicals chlorine being one of the regulars and trying to keep the ph balanced.. If your water doesnt clear up try a clarifier..You can also find out where you can take a sample of your pool water and they will test it for you and help you from there..

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