
Poor, lonely cat!! what do i do?

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my neighbors cat is so lonely because my neighbor is never there. she comes over to my house and waits by the door meowing and she waits for us to come home at night and she runs and starts meowing to get attention...we have to pushe her out of the way or she will come inside and we have to close her out at night...we dont have time to sit outside and pet her for hours and shes not allowed inside my house because of shedding but i feel so bad for her cuz shes always lonely what do i do? an i do anything for her? will this eventually stop? will she go crazy?




  1. Thats so sad! You should tell your neighbors!

  2. Your a kind, sweet heart to be so worried about this poor kitty.  There may be nothing you can do for it except be a friend when you can and also let this neighbors treatment of their cat be a lesson that you never forget.  The only real way to stop people from throwing their cats out into the streets to free-roam is through education.  Free-roaming cats are NOT "safe, loved and happy".  Don't let anyone ever try to convince you otherwise.

    Best of luck and bless you!

    P.S. Depending on how old you are should dictate weather or not you go and speak to your neighbor on the matter of how she takes care of this cat or try contacting a local shelter or law enforcement agency, on your own, to report this.

  3. If your neighbor isn't taking proper care of the cat, I would call a shelter or the humane society to find the cat a loving home. Proper care includes giving a cat the attention it needs, and it really sounds like your neighbor isn't fulfilling that need. That cat needs a new family.

    Ah... you should probably discuss this issue with your neighbor first, to figure out why the cat is so hungry for attention. Let your neighbor know that it's sort of disrupting your life a little bit, and that you're worried for the well-being of the cat. They may not be aware that their cat is feeling neglected.

    Edit: I would say she should not keep this third cat, and should find her a new home. Especially if she can't take the time to get her 2 cats to get along with this cat. The cat will be much happier if she could be in a home where the people can give her the attention and love she needs. Discuss this option with your neighbor -- I think she, her 2 cats, and this third cat will be much better off that way.

  4. I would talk to your neighbor and tell her what's going on. Usually cats are pretty independent, but it's sad when they are looking for love and attention they can't recieve. This is obviously a friendly cat...and from what you're typing, it seems like your neighbor is NEVER home!?? Even at night when you say you have to close her out? Does your neighbor work crazy shifts or something? That's just not right of your neighbor to allow their animal to roam around outdoors like that while they are constantly away.., it'd be another story if the animal actually had an owner to come home to at the end of the day/night. Is there at least a flap on the neighbor's door for the cat to get into the house? I don't know the whole story, but sometimes owners grow tired of their pets and do what minimal efforts they can after a while. These animals are unfortunately  subject to lack of interaction with their owner, and seek attention elsewhere. Definantly mention something to your neighbor, but giving the cat the attention you are is good....s'what kitty needs!

  5. Maybe you can set up a little box/house outside your house for her, so that she can be close to you.  Also, suggest a mirror to your neighbor--cats look into the mirror and think that their reflection is another cat....Poor kitty!

  6. leave out kitty food(costco kirkland) and water for her and then she will probably leave you alone

  7. Haha,

    Dont worry about it, a solution is here!

    I had a similiar problem, with a cat that continuealy came to my house, and would not go away.

    There are a few things you can do,

    1. Go to the owner's home, when there home, and ask them if they could please keep there cat at home. If they do not, then there are other options.

    2. DO NOT feed it. It will beg, and cry even, no matter what, ignore it, dont pet it, and pay it no attention. Once it knows your not interested in it, It will find someone else to mooch on.

    If things do get worse, go to your local pet store, or SPCA and ask them what to do.

    I wish you the best, and try some of those, they really work! :D

    Best answer would be appreciated. :)

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