
Poor Federer?

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I am totally destraught that he lost!! I wanted him to win so much i actually cried at the end!! He made a brilliant come back from 2 sets down though. Do you think he will ever win again?? I hope he will!! = ]




  1. Hes too good of a player to not win again.  Although not the greatest as he is brought up to be he is a great player that just has a problem beating Nadal.  I wouldnt worry because I would put money down that he will win again, espesially at Wimbeldon.

  2. i'm sad too till now..but i'm still fully confidence n support for rogar federer...but i'm really dont like  ur question title!!!!( i lose my tears too when i watched end of the interview when john give a hug to roger)

  3. He will absolutely win again.

    Make no mistake about it, he will win the 2008 U.S. Open, and next year he will win Wimbledon again, I don't think he's even close to his end.  He is 26, I think he has two More years of being at his prime and the two more of still competing big time like Agassi and Sampras did towards the end of their careers.

    To me the question should be:  How many more time can Nadal play at this level with his knees so beat and his high power-athleticism based game?  

    Roger is beat right now, tired, he's been sick most of the year, and obviously he is nervous every time he faces Nadal, but losing this game is gonna help him in the sense that pressure is completely gone, now there is no record to hold or break, it's just a tournament and he knows he is the better player as long as clay is not under his feet.

    People are wrong about this, Roger is not in the decline of his career and he wont be for another 2 years, that's 8 GS chances he will get, so stop this Nadal hype, he's great, but he won't last, I bet.

  4. Now nadal is new king of tennis.

  5. i am sure federer will win it agian

  6. Oh yes, he is blessed, best there is best there was best there ever will be! RF!



  8. He is the No.1,he is an excellent tennis player,but yesterday Rafael Nadal won.For sure he will win a championship again,yes.

  9. If only there was a fifth set tie break. I think we would have seen Federer crowned champion. I was very sad too. I wanted him to get that sixth in a row so badly. Not that five isn't a major accomplishment, and I understand that Nadal wanted his own record.

    I do believe that Federer has two outstanding years left, and will reclaim his title next year. After that, he will still be great, and will win many major tournaments, but I don't see him being number one.

  10. He will win grand slam tournaments again. He has 12 grand slam championships. That's only 2 shy of equalling Pete Sampras's grand slam record. He WILL DEFINATELY beat Pete Sampras's grand slam record. Then Federer will silence critics. Then critics will be saying "FEDERER IS FOR REAL" All the Nadal hype will be history. Federer will then prove that he is the one of the best ever to play tennis.

    Roger Federer 2008 US OPEN Champion

    Roger Federer 2009 Wimbledon Champion

    Roger Federer 2009 US OPEN Champion

    **Sampras RECORD BROKEN for most grand slam titles**

  11. I don't think he will win any majors any more with Djockovic and Nadal in the way but he will definitely keep on winning other tournaments. If I were him though i would retire because if he were to retire, he retires as the worlds number one and so people will always wonder how he would have done if he kept playing.  If Federer waits any longer to retire Nadal might take his number one spot since he is now only several hundred points behind.

  12. As my Gran use to say, never feel sorry for a millonaire.

  13. Yes he will win again but not as much (Sorry).

    I believe that it is Nadal's game now.

  14. It's a hard loss for him to take, especially being so close. The fact is at the end they were playing merely on nerves. Roger playing his heart out for 6 in a row defending his title blah blah blah. Nadal had nothing to lose and he took risks and got an opportunity.  Of course he'll win again. Next year he's not under pressure to break records or defend the title. Did you see the phenomenal tennis he played yesterday? Wow, coming back from 2 sets down. against Rafa. Now that's really something...

  15. You know, after an unbelievable match like the one yesterday, I would have felt sad for either if they had lost. Both of them played extremely well. Rafa won and he deserved the win.

    This defeat may have been a shock to many but it is definitely not the end. He is a great champion as Rafa himself acknowledged and we will see a lot of him soon. True, he has not been in form this year, but I believe that he will be back on track.

    What's life without the ultimate Roger Rafa challenges? :)

  16. I was thoroughly pissed too... especially after he had come all the way back from a two set deficit. I had to work so I left the last set taping but once I found out the result, I couldn't be bothered to watch it. I REALLY hope he can win more Majors and that he's not done but it doesn't look good. He's had such a lousy year so far that I'm thinking he may need to change something: get a coach or maybe take the rest of the season off and come back fresh next year.

  17. He might win another one or two, but sporadically.

  18. yes he will ever win again. a lose make someone tougher

  19. Aha I'm just like you! I cried when he lost- I'm never normally THAT into tennis either- it's just that he's so lovely and deserved it so much! I was elated with his comeback and thought he was going to pull it back completely. . . . ohhhhhhh!

    I actually want an RF cardigan though!

    He will win again! He will reclaim his title from that sweaty spaniard! xD
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