
Poor diet and puberty

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does poor diet affect when puberty will come? I don't have a healthy lifestyle i barely eat veggies and fruit and i eat fast food and drink pop and dont excersise much. The strange thing is im 110 pounds at 14 and im 5"5. I however have just started showing signs of puberty taking place hair under the arms and light ones around the belly button. I have had hair downstairs since i was in like grade 5. If i make my diet more healthy and excersise more will puberty start coming faster?




  1. No they won't make puberty start any faster, but you will be healthier so do start to exercise and eat healthily for your health's sake rather than to speed up puberty. If you want a diet plan with high protein foods or an exercise plan email me.



  2. It might "help" with the break outs.Besides that a healthy lifestyle would not be a good choice for even a 14 or 15 year old because it would later on become a habit so I would reccomend to introduce one new thing into your life that is different.Yes when you hit puberty you have a high metabolism but I would not bet on it and I would eat everything in moderation from sweets to fats to protein.As a person who is undergoing puberty you might want to get the scoop on what is healthy,make better decision,ot changing your lifestyle but maybe swap some high fat foods for the ones that are low in fat and sodium.As for working out that is a good thing since it helps you later on when the metabolism slows down but do not over do running or cardio since that is for trimming overall.And no it does not help the puberty come earlier.Healthy diests,exercise and a better lifestyle add more years to your life.

  3. it won't make puberty come faster, but it will make you healther. (so make your diet healthier and exercise a bit, it won't kill you)

  4. Your body is like a machine and the food you eat is the fuel.  If your not eating right, you're not providing your body with the proper fuel.  Without the proper fuel, your body is not going to perform and the job it has to do now is getting you through puberty.  Your diet may not speed up or slow down your puberty cycle, but I would be concerned that my body wasn't developing to its full potential without a proper diet.    

  5. don't be concerned about puberty because you are already there.

    Your diet and body is the main issue, from what you have said you don't eat healthily enough or are active enough, I suggest you drop that pop and start eating Veggies ASAP, you will be better off and you body will accept it for later.

    PS: I don't just mean veggies but everything in moderation, regular excercise is advisable.

  6. I'm not sure but my friend swims alot and she's about 16 or 17 but she still hasn't got her period or b***s XD

  7. Yeah I think puberty comes faster when you have a healthy diet because you get the nutritions  
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