
Poor little feeder mice? =[

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Ok two days ago me and my parents got 2 feeder mice to feed my 2 snakes. When we got home my dad made me put the poor little guys in the tank. Well iI spent the night at my best friend's house and when I came home i found out that my snake (L) escape and they camn't find him (we think he got outside.) Well my brothers snake Kira is the only snake left and he won't go near the mice. Well convinced my dad to let the poor feeder mice live (he was going to kill them) and we are going to give them to hunter (a friend). My question is will they make good pets, and what things does he need to make sure they surive. =]




  1. Mice are great pets they are super fun. What I love about our mice is how every time they see you they come right up to the glass just like a puppy lol.

    Just make sure they have a pretty good sized cage/fish tank. With cages be careful that the gaps between the bars aren't to big because they can get out! A fish tank is the way to go. Get a lid that fits really tightly just in case they some how climb the water bottle. They are always trying to figure out a way to escape.

    Some sort of animal bedding you can get that anywhere and in a jam some old torn up magazines work when in a pinch. Plus the mice will love it because they love to make them selves little forts.

    Some type of shelter. Little houses you can get them at any pet stores. They will sleep in it. You don't have to have one because they bury them selves anyhow but I'm sure they would appreciate it. In a bind tissue boxes, toilet paper rolls (unscented), small box of some sort will work.

    You can get mice food at most pet stores I have yet to find it at any department stores. I don't know if your suposted to but I buy hamster/gerbil food because you can buy it in bulk and our mice have been eating it for months and still active I just add some dried fruit. Of course a water bottle needed all day everyday!

    Chew sticks. Mice teeth grow all the time and they need to file them down. They are just there skinny sticks usually multi colored and you can get them at most pet stores. OR wooden houses I found these cool wooden houses at wal mart and our mice love them.

    Running wheel. They need something to do. And keep fit!

    Thats really about it. You want to be careful with snacks that you give them like cheese because you don't want them to get to fat. I find that they love cat food and cheerios. Good luck

  2. My neighbor has a second generation feeder mouse (her niece had two and they bred) and her mouse is a wonderful pet. Just keep the cage clean and keep them APART until you know their genders to prevent ending up with much more than two mice!

    Also teach your dad that live mice aren't a good option for snakes, since live feed can injure your snake. Pre-killed and frozen are your best bets for snake chow.

    (And looks like you're another Death Note fan!)

  3. yes they make great pets!! i own some! yoe need a cage or an aquarium with a thight screened lid. a wheel, bedding and rodent seed mix. you will also need a water bottle.

  4. Mice are awesome pets, they are low maintenance and very fun at the same time. But firstly, check their gender. If they are both female or both male, good. One male and one female is not good. Separate them immediately, as they can have babies at any time.

    All you would basically need is a decent sized cage, food and water, bedding and lots of toys!

    By saying 'decent-sized' cage, it has to have at least 2 square feet of floor space. Anything less than that is too tiny, and not suitable for any number of mice. It can be wire or a glass tank, try to avoid plastic as they can easily chew through it and escape.

    For bedding, you can either use wood shavings, shredded paper, or other beddings such as Carefresh and Yesterday's News.

    And toys! You can give them toilet rolls, cardboard boxes, egg cartons, tree branches, ropes, ladders, tubes, and lots more! You'll be surprised that lots of household items can be used as toys as long as they are safe.

    Good luck and have fun!

  5. I too was a feeder mouse owner.  We bred and fed live mice to snakes at the environmental education center I worked at.  It was a great pet.  You will need a mouse cage or aquarium with a screen lid that fits tight, pine litter (stay away from Cedar-it can cause respiratory problems) an exercise wheel, water bottle, food dish, mouse food (we had rodent pellets), safe wood to gnaw on, and plans for if you have a male/female pair and end up with babies.  Make sure they are cleaned often 2-3 times a week.  They can get stinky pretty fast.  Have fun!

  6. Yes they will make good pets although they won't live very long only about 2 years. He will need a cage, litter for the bottom of the cage, food,water bottle , a wheel,a food bowl, and any other accessories such as a running ball or hide boxes.  You should get as big of a cage as you can just because they can live in a small cage doesn't mean they should have to as well you should also buy them good quality food. Look at the link for a rough price of these things will cost as well as a nice cage.

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