
Poor sperm morphology & motility- pls help

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We are trying for a baby for the past few years...I am 30yrs old. my

period is regular (31-33 day cycle), i am ovulating..All blood test &

US scans shows normal results.

Had got laproscopy done.

Partial block on Left tube. Right tube is normal. No PCOS or

endometriosis..ovaries & uterus are normal. The dr say i shud be able

to concieve but there is chance for ectopic pregnancy.

They had got my husband's s***n analysis done.

Volume - 1.5ml

motility :-

rapid progression - 0%

slow progression - 41%

count : 34million

morphology : only 8% normal forms

we are a bit worried after the analysis...Is it hard to conceive with

this less morphology and motility?

Dr has given him some herbal suppliment (Co Q care - co enzyme) &

folic acid for 2 months.

Does this help to improve the s***n quality?

Please help with your valuable advice




  1. Hi there, was this his first analysis result? We got a similar one that said he only has 1% of basically viable sperm, and a similar morphology. He was advised to take zinc supplementsand the next result was normal - try not to be too worried, as a lot of things can affect the little guys! By the way we are now 17 weeks pregnant and I have PCOS - I'm sure everything will work out for you.

    Best of luck

  2. 34 million is a good count, but with only 8% normal forms, you may have difficulty.  8% of 34 million is only around 2 million, which is not generally considered enough to be able to conceive naturally, and the 92% abnormal forms will only get in the way and make it harder.  You may need to resort to artificial insemination, where they can "wash" the sperm and only use the healthy ones, but even with only the healthy ones, you may not have enough for this to work.  My husband's TOTAL count was around 2 million, and we ended up having to do IVF.  Best of luck, and I hope the treatments help him!

  3. hi there, we also had problems conceiving... have you tried a home artificial insemination kit? my partners sperm count was low and we did this and used the syringe with his sperm and air to push the sperm far into my v****a, left the syringe in place so the sperm wouldnt go the other way and obviously one found its way up through my cervix to the egg.  the kit only cost me £12 from and we have a 9mth old daughter.  

  4. A low normal morphology makes getting pregnant very difficult, and suplement could help.

    You may want to be more clear about the results. Is it 34 million total or 34 million per cc, that makes a big difference.

    You can calculate the functional asperm count here:

  5. good diet

    adequate rest & exercise

    to make the body function optimally in every way  

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