
Pop - Every day, week, month or year?

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How often do you drink pop, what pop do you have and why? Also diet or full fat?




  1. I drink Dr Pepper everyday

  2. I have only had pop three times this year because I am losing weight (50lbs so far). Reducing my total sugar intake has made an amazing diffrence in the way I feel and how healthy I am.  If I do have a pop, it is usually regular pepsi or diet dr. pepper.

  3. I drink it about every week or so.  I don't like to drink too much of it too often.  I love Pepsi, and Sprite.  Also, grape, root beer and carbonated fruit punch too.  

    I like diet sodas, but it doesn't matter to me...

  4. iv recently been addicted to diet moutain dew. iv been drinking it everyday which probably is not very healthy. but its sooo good. doesnt even taste diet

  5. Coke, every single day. It actually tastes disgusting but what with the mass amounts of sugar in it, it's terribly addictive. I'm actually in trouble with my dentist about it because it's wearing away my tooth enamel. But apparently Diet coke is far worse as it's mostly acid and little sugar. So yeah, I drink the full sugar, full fat variety, and I'm weaning myself off it slowly. I swear sugar is worse than nicotine.

  6. Diet soda maybe every couple of weeks. I never liked the "fizz" as a kid so I never drank it. Also I don't think soda is very thirst quenching. But the new Dr. Pepper cherry chocolate is awesome and I just made a frozen drink with diet sprite.

  7. 2 cans of Diet Dr Pepper everyday

  8. Diet. Everyday.

    There is no such thing as full fat soda. No fizzy drink has fat in it's the sugar content.

  9. i drink TOO MUCH pop..


    cream soda


    i drink at least 2 cans of pop a day!

  10. Never touch 'Diet'.

    It has aspartame in it. You've got to be fairly stupid to put that stuff inside you.

    As for 'cola', phosphoric acid rots your insides.

    What ever happened to drinking water?

  11. EVERYDAY!!

    Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Jones Soda, Sprite, & 7 Up.

    I drink a lot but I don't drink all those pops everyday but I have them all very often!!


    I have



    Jones Soda


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