
Pop Quiz, kidlets; If the wacky far-left wingnuts weren't foaming at the mouth about Palin, what would they..?

by Guest63778  |  earlier

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be foaming at the mouth about?

Ten points for the most accurate answer! (But, hey, FEEL free to have fun with it, too!)




  1. that the police were abusing the protesters in minnesota,lol

  2. They'd be cooking up VRWC theories about the upcoming election including, but not necessarily limited to:  Diebold voting machines, purged voter lists, martial law, FEMA concentration camps, Blackwater, Halliburton, big oil, the Illuminati, aliens, Rush Limbaugh, Jesus, and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

  3. The choice for VP tells me all I need to know about McCain.

    If you like the past 8 years, then this is whom you should vote for.

    McCain: past is prologue.

    And if you believe Palin is qualified, this says a lot about you as well.

    I would prefer to debate on the issues.  Republicans would lose elections if they did this.  

    There is little or no substance to anything coming out of the GOP these days.   I just hear buzz words, spin, and imagery.

    Go Obama 0 8 !  

  4. They would say McCain is just GEORGE BUSH PART III.....They would say PALIN isnt fit to lead because of her treatment of the Alaskan Senate Pres, and the ABUSE OF POWER regarding her brother-in-law....and they would be right.

  5. They would still be stuck with the lie that McCain is just like George Bush.

    They have no skill when it come to new ideas or solutions to real problems. Their only skill is to take what is shoved in their faces and lie and distort and invent slander about whatever it is they perceive.  

  6. Romney's Mormonism

    and all the fun that goes along with anti-mormon attacks

  7. They would be having a private meeting to try to figure out how to use the drop in oil prices to make Bush look bad.  

  8. Criticizing loopy republicans on yahoo answers, what else?

  9. I think you are just mad because they haven't accepted someone like yourself

    an overaged EX-beauty that has sold out as a stepford Republican doing whatever the MEN say is best

  10. I never foam at the mouth.

    I think it was brilliant strategy for McCain. I wouldnt vote for either of them but it was a smart move.

  11. bout far-right wingnuts instead

    They may go back to talking about how Oboma is less experienced than McCain (but hey, who isn't?  the dudes ancient)

    or...About God?  They love God - especially mixing what he "says" with our political policies.  Who needseparationon of church and state anyway?  I think it was mostly a suggestion.

    or...About War?Republicans's love to shoot things.  Animals.  Foreigners.  Other people in the face.

  12. My Republican friend William Haverford Smith, my real friend that I know in real life, and didn't make up just so I could illustrate some point, says that if your fundamental beliefs about life are not in line with his views, i.e.:

    1) the Christian way

    2) fighting evil and upholding good because there's only black and white and no gray

    3) pulling yourself by your own bootstraps because all that stuff about society and social conditions affecting you is bull. (Even though I care about what my friends and family say and what people think about me, I still believe society affects me very little. This makes sense right?)

    Mr. Smith says that if you don't believe in these simple good things, what does that tell you about yourself as a human being? Everything I said, says Mr. Smith, are good things. People know right from wrong, good from evil. Wasn't everything I said good? So why should you disagree.

    Again, this is my republican friend whom I didn't just make up to tell you what a typical republican thinks or anything like that.

  13. Oh ummm.....wasn't the RNC like totally lame.....OMGz I almost feel asleep.

    something along those lines.

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