
Pop culturally speaking, have we totally left the 90s?

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It's 2008 and we still:

Listen to alternative rock, and call it new

Love hip hop

Girls still love boy bands

Technology is the main topic of the times

The Simpsons is still on

People still have raves with the exact same music

Wear flannel, acid wash jeans and backwards hats

I think it's still 90s. It's like the 90s with MySpace.




  1. Yup, we've definitely left the '90s. First of all, there is MySpace and Facebook, both of which are definitely new millennium phenoms. "The Simpsons" have been on since the late 1980s, so that throws that argument out. (That's like saying it's still the 1960s because "Meet the Press" is still on.) TV has gotten so much worse with this reality c**p -- I mean, where are the shows like "Seinfeld" and decent episodes of "ER" these days? But the number 1 reason we've left the '90s pop culture-wise - Ricky Martin has twins recently, and NO ONE CARED! Yay!!!

  2. We sure haven't, 90's forever baby.

  3. yea but the 90s had Kurt Cobain, Michael Hutchence, Tupac etc....The TV shows were also far better, and technology wasn't used as much as it is now ie computers, cell phones etc.

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