
Pop the pimple or leave it be?

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I have a red big pimple thats coming to a head, but how do yo u leave it alone when it has a really big head? How would the head go away if you DIDNT pop it? Also, if you washed your face wouldnt it like get ripped off when the wash cloth passed over it?

Sorry I asked so many questions im just really confused!




  1. pop it

    the next day it will be waaayy smaller  

  2. I give it the thumbs down

    Kill it

    Pop that thang

    Dont come back to yahoo answers with questions about a pimple!

  3. Just dont think about it lol. If you pop it its most likely gonna scar and I doubt you want that. I doubt it would rip off but hey go for it if you want? lol. Be gentle with it though.

  4. First you don't want to pop the pimple.... lol. it can leave massive

    scars and it will take days to heal. also if it's not a complete

    white head, you could end up pushing the infection deeper.

    What I suggest you do is before you go to bed wash your face,

    then apply a THIN layer of tooth paste to the pimple.

    DO NOT USE THE WHITENING kind either... that will BURNNNN.

    I know this sounds weird but the toothpaste actually pulls the infection

    to the surface creating a white head.... then you can try to pop

    it. if you do pop it, apply some neosporn afterwards that way

    your face won't scar.

    lol.... good luck

  5. Don't pop pimples. If you leave them alone and try to not touch your face  they will swell down fairly soon as long as you keep your face clean.

    Popping pimples is bad for multiple reasons. First is that popping pimples causes scarring,which is very hard to get rid of.

    Second- popping pimples will spread the bacteria causing acne  

  6. Popping it will make it worse! Don't pop it!

  7. This is wat u should do:

    1st) I know it's embarrassing but DON'T pop it, there will just be a scar where u popped it 4 the rest of your life, my uncle popped all his when he was younger and he has red marks all around his face! It's hideous!

    2nd) Use benzaclin, I use and it soooo helps and also use Arbonne Intelligence skin care 2. exfoliating Masque w/ thermal fusion! It sooo helped me!

  8. as far as i know, leaving it alone is best,because you touching it may cause damage to your skin, leave a scar, and so on..personally, however, i never just let a pimple be if i see that it contains any white fluid or what ever. i get impatient and it bugs me until i get rid of it. its actually better to pop it because leaving the fluid inside will cause a little hole to develop. you never know how many decades it will take to disappear on its own. after i pop it, i clean it, (before i put my hands on it i clean both, the pimple are and my hands to prevent germs from going in and causing me bigger problems) as i was saying..i clean it after popping again, using a face wash, and apply like an anti acne creme. then i let it dry and go away, no more bugging.

    however, when a pimple is just a pink bump, you don't touch it. simply wash your whole face, and apply an acne creme or use some peroxide on a cotton ball.don't use rough wash cloths that can further damage your already injured pimple area. so yeah. to prevent pimples  all together clean your face morning and night, drink water, and lay off oil and fat foods.

  9. Definitely do not pop it.  That is the worst thing you could do.  No it won't get ripped off when you wash your face.

    Often fewer products are better.  People often make their acne worse by using too many products.  There is no quick fix for acne.  Your doctor may recommend some prescription medication.  

    Keep your face very clean.  Drink plenty of water.  Eat a nutritious diet and get enough sleep.  Try to reduce the stress in your life.  

    Probably the most useful and effective things you can do are to apply hot compresses to pustules and cysts and never to pick or squeeze pimples. Playing with or popping pimples, no matter how careful and clean you are, nearly always makes bumps stay redder and bumpier longer.   Here are a few informative links with additional home treatment ideas.

  10. Just pop that sucker and get it over with. I think they heal faster after you pop them, and I don't get scars from popping them either

  11. Hi - My answer is put a hot wah cloth over and it leave it there, it will feel good, and calm the pimple. Then u can rub it gently and the pimple will break so then the bacteria will come out, and rinse your wash cloth and add more hot water and then leave it.... if it bleeds just hold down the washcloth on the pimple and it will stop bleeding.   good luck  ;)

  12. trust me on this one just leave it alone. I am speaking from experience and i have popped pimples and months later i still have a dark spot or scar from where it was from. it will come out when its ready to and it will heal naturally, and it wouldnt get ripped off while washing your face if your r gentle around it

  13. LEAVE it, it goes away faster than having to heal a hole in your face.

    keep it clean and dont touch it.  

  14. If you have sensitive skin I wouldnt pop it because it might leave a mard. Try using a beauty mask (peel off mask, mud mask) It will help cleanse ur pores.

  15. It might, that happened to me ;D get this one pimple cream called "Panoxyl" it dries the insides of the blemish.

    If not just leave it be !

  16. your choice you can either pop it and get rid of it or name it and it will become your best friend forever

  17. heat it. pop it. then cool it. and put some acne solving cream or at least like disinfectant on that puppy.

    be careful if you use acne cream not to get it anywhere other than the pimple in question. a lot of times the chemicals in those sorts of remedies will actually cause minor  blemishes if placed on already great skin areas.

  18. My philosophy is if its white on top , pop it . No one wants that thing to explode in their face. Just don't touch it and it will eventually go away.and don't wash your face too much. that will cause your skin to break out even more.

  19. dont pop it, it'll bleed and get worse, just wash your face every morning, and every night! DONT POP IT!!! I popped mine, and now it's redder than ever!

  20. Technically, a pimple is a buildup of the accumulation of the debris and dead cells left over from the battle between your white cells and a bacterial infection just under your skin.

    Left alone, the body will eventually absorb the substance, and it will be disposed of in the usual manner of bodily elimination.  If the accumulation of "liquor puris" and dead cells, gets too big for the body to absorb, then it can become problematic, and has to be lanced, or further treated with the administration of antibiotics to avoid an abscess.

    My personal experience has been that a large pimple heals faster, as does a boil, when the dead materials are expressed (extracted) and the area thoroughly cleansed, and bathed with an antibiotic ointment or wash.  I wouldn't go over my face with a magnifying glass, because small lesions can be cleared up quicker with simple hygiene and drying agents.

    If you suffer from frequent outbreaks of acne vulgarus, your family doctor has many prescriptions to rid you of this problem quickly and effectively.  In addition to the usual remedies, there are antibiotic creams, antibiotic pills of a mild nature, and even Accutane when the big guns are needed.

    Help is at hand, should this problem begin to affect your quality of life.

  21. Most skin care people will tell you to leave it alone.  I am one of the people that believe in popping them.  They are really painful for myself and feel so much better after they have been popped.  Also try putting a small dab of tooth paste on it.    GOOD LUCK!

  22. If you want a scar afterwards then pop it, otherwise leave it alone

  23. There are two camps in this argument. I say pop it.

    Here's a link for you , too! Hope this helps....

    If you decided to pop a zit there are some things to keep in mind and that will actually make the process easier. Heating the zit will help open the pore and make it less painful to pop. Try popping zits after a shower or bath. Always be sure that you have clean hands and nails to avoid infecting the area. You will also need to use a sterilized needle To sterilize a needle pass it under a flame or clean it with rubbing alcohol. Grab the pimple and surrounding area applying pressure so that the pus comes to the surface then gently prick the head of the pimple. Continue applying pressure till pus or blood comes to the surface then release the pimple and use a clean cloth, napkin or toilet paper to remove the pus and blood. Hold the cloth over the zit until the liquid has stopped flowing. After you have wiped the area of pus clean the open area with hydrogen peroxide. Applying an antibacterial cream is also a good idea to help speed up healing of the area. If you are popping more then one zit be sure to clean your hands and utilizes after every zit.

  24. I'd go with a pop. They look really gross with heads.

  25. Disinfect a needle with rubbing alcohol. A basic sharp sewing needle is a good choice.

    Gently prick the pimple’s surface.

    Take two tissues and wrap your index fingers with them.

    Squeeze from the sides, confidently but gently, using a down-and-in motion. Don’t force it. If the pimple is ready, it’ll pop. If it doesn’t, leave it be. Be sure to stop if clear fluid or blood starts to come out.

    Continuing to work at a lesion that is not ready to be popped can lead to scarring. Walk away from the mirror!

  26. Ummm

    I guess you can pop it, but you might regret it. I always do. It gets sooo red and gross. I would say leave it, but if you aren't going anywhere tonight/tomorrow, then you can pop it....

  27. Wait until the head is white, then soak it with a very warm wash cloth for 3-5minutes to soften it up (it may open on it's own then).  If it doesn't open on it's own, wrap your fingers in Kleenex and gently squeeze the base of the pimple until the building pressure causes the head to open.  Then squeeze out the pus only until blood starts to come out; immediately put pressure on it after this.  Once the bleeding stops, rub some benzoyl peroxide over the pimple.  NEVER rip the white head off, as this leads to scarring and the damage it causes may cause the pimple to become a lot more inflamed and heal a lot slower.

    Note:  If you left the pimple, the head would eventually open and drain on its own or dry up of its own accord, but I know its hard to walk around with an ugly whitehead on your face, lol.  I've been there!!

  28. well since it has a head then yes you can pop it but just make sure to wash it after you have done so

  29. NO! NO! LEAVE IT!!! Do not pop it or pick at it or whatever. I sometimes get like that one dominant pimple, but I never pop it. Other than that I have really clear skin, and I think that might be the reason. All of my friends pop their pimples and have bad scars all over their faces. Try dabbing the pimple with some regular Poroxide. This is something that's used in quite a few acne washes, and really helps. Leave it, and it will go away or fall off on its own in a couple days.

    Good luck.

    Hope that helped!


  30. Just pop it, I always do if I get them. Yes you are right it would get ripped off, don't just leave it it'll aggravate you.

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