
Popcorn for a 21 month old???

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I feed him pretty much everything and Im eating popcorn right now and it's really good. The only thing stopping me from completely enjoying myself is the fact that my son is begging at my feet for a piece of freakin popcorn....So is it safe?




  1. No its not safe.  Give him some Cheerios, they are small enough to fit down his little throat.  

  2. absolutely not. its no advised to allow your child to eat popcorn until they are more like 4 or 5 years old. the kernels could really hurt their teeth and gums and they could choke.  

  3. What time is it where you are?  

    It depends on your son, if you think he would do okay, wouldn't scarf it down (knowing that he needs to chew -- my daughter sometimes just swallows), and if you give it to him one piece at a time.

  4. yes it's fine my son started munching on it at 18 months lol he loves it. just removed unpopped kernels first

  5. Its easy for an adult to choke on then its easy for a kid to choke on. Id wait until hes a bit older cause he could choke on the kernels.

  6. i wouldnt suggest it but if you do bite of the husk and give him the rest so that he husk dont choke him or cut hid trouht

  7. yes as long as u give him one piece at a time and make sure he swallows b4 u give him another piece to prevent chocking

  8. On the bag of popcorn I buy it states not recommended for children under four. It is a choking hazard. If you do, bite it in half at least.

  9. Not a good choice.:.he or she can choke on the little yellow thing in side of it.. It can get hung in the back of mouth .. I stoped giveing it to mine b/c I took him two the doc and it had been hung in there for 4 days after he ate it .. It was way back there.. He didn't choke but could have.. I was told not to give popcorn until he's at three.. Just be careful

  10. yeah just be shore to watch him .  

  11. Keep a very close eye on him, make sure that the piece that you give him is fully popped no hard pieces, and make sure he chews well and a few pieces won't hurt. as long as you follow these guidelines.  Or better yet put him down to bed so he isn't begging for the popcorn or get him his own treat like dry Cheerios

  12. my daughter is a year and a half and she loves popcorn. when she hears it poppin and smells it she stands in front of the microwave and stomps her lil foot, shes never choked on it

  13. Not for this age group.

  14. Yes it is safe just one piece at a time

  15. If your not sure, then wait and find out from a professional, give him some other treat to hold him over :D

  16. Remove the husk from the kernel and then it should be fine.

  17. Lol, horrible mommy that I am, I was feeding my daughter popcorn before she was a year old. I just made sure to break it all off the actual kernel, we gave her just the soft parts that melt in your mouth, and she did fine, lol. Now I know better, but she's 20 months and enjoys both puffin corn and regular popcorn, only a few pieces at a time. If he chews his food properly, go for it, at least a taste, and see how he does.

    Good luck!  

  18. I don't let my son have popcorn- it's just too risky.

    Good luck!

    Here is what this website says:


    The majority of childhood choking injuries and deaths are associated with food items.

    Round and hard foods are especially dangerous.  Children are at risk from choking on small, round foods such as hot dogs, candies, nuts, grapes, carrots and popcorn.  Nonfood items tend to be round or conforming objects, including coins, small balls and balloons.  Unlike other causes of choking death, balloon-related deaths are as common among children ages 3 and older as among younger children.

    The snacks can be deadly to a child under 4.  Ask a doctor, when your child is old enough to eat these foods:

    Hot dogs

    Hard candies




    Raw carrots


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