
Popeye - and now swimming erratically wot do I do?

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I have a veiltail goldfish with a popeye problem which I have treated with internal bacteria interpet 9 I think and it is not getting any better - now she is suffering from lack of being able to swim correctly she is all over the place and I was wondering if this is also to do with her eye or something more sinister - she is in a 180litre tank with one more of same species and the other fish has no symptoms - what further can I do its heartbreaking to watch and my local aquarium just told me to hit her on the head!!!!




  1. the local aquarium was being cruel and heartless, this goldfish is sick, it still has a chance. I've never had a goldfish with popeye and know next to nothing about it, however it sounds as if she is getting alot worse, and all i can suggest is get Methyle Blue fish medicine and treat with that instead (first look at exactly what it treats) it's a very good fish medicine and it may not be good for pop eye not sure, but if it is i'd use it. Other than that if you're still treating her I don't think there is much else you can do. I suggest joining a forum either:


    both are full of goldfish experts and can help you and your goldfish, kokos is the larger forum with faster replies whilst thegab is more personal and friendly i would say, either way both are great so good luck =]

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