
Poplution during producton?

by Guest56886  |  earlier

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i head an enteresting statement that hummers actually produce less polution than those new prius hybrids because more pollution is produced making the prius than the hummer. i imagine that this might be something of an exaggeration but all the same, maybe our green vehicles aren't as green as we think. do you guys count polution during production in the total figure?




  1. I have heard something like that too, but it's not really true.  I think that all we can do is buy, and use products efficiently.  If our gov't ever gets there act together, they could use things like wind, solar, geothermal and hydroelectric.  We have no control on where these companies draw there power from.  All we can do is vote for presidents, and representatives that share this view.  I think hybrids are great cars, but the future lies in totally electric cars.  Plus just imagine how much more co2 will be put into the atmosphere over ten years when using a Hummer, vs. a hybrid, the hybrid is clearly a better solution.

  2. The marketing study which came to that conclusion ('Dust to Dust') has been thoroughly debunked.  The best analysis I've seen is linked below.

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