
Popped my cherry??????????????

by  |  earlier

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what does, he popped my cherry mean?????????????




  1. It means that "he" took your virginity.

  2. it means you are no longer a virgin----

  3. It means he took your virginity!

  4. it means that he broke your hymen and your not a virgin anymore..

    answer mine please;...

  5. Dont listen to these guys... A tampon, vigirous exersize and masterbation can all cause your cherry to pop. The only way to lose your virginity is to have sexual intercourse.

  6. doesn't always mean you were a virgin 1st but it means he hit it then you bled hope you used a condom

  7. meaning you had s*x with someone for the very first time and when that happens, the girl usually bleeds

  8. Means that they're not a virgin.

    You know when a cherry pops it's juices are red just like when your devirginized you bleed.

  9. It's when your eating fruit, and some idiot stomps on your cherries. :(

  10. he broke your hymen and you are not a virgin anymore.

  11. No longer virgin


  12. You had s*x and are not a virgin.

  13. A "cherry" usually refers to a young woman's hymen. The hymen is a thin skin that stretches across the opening of the v****a. There is usually an opening in it to let menstrual flow out of the body.

    "Popping the cherry" usually refers to the stretching or tearing of the hymen during first vaginal intercourse, which may lead to some bleeding. But not every young woman bleeds the first time she has vaginal intercourse. Some women bleed a lot, some bleed a little, and others don't bleed at all. And no, it doesn't always hurt.  

  14. It means he broke your hymen skin, which means you are no longer a virgin.

  15. means your not a virgin anymore

  16. means he was your first...he took your virginity

  17. he took your virginity

  18. pierced your hymen

  19. It means you lost your virginity or he took your virginity.

  20. Hymen is perforated due to first time intercourse.

  21. To "pop a girl's cherry" is when a guy is the first person to have s*x with her and he takes away her virginity by inserting his.. uhh... p***s into her va-j-j. =] Lol

    And when a girl has intercorse (s*x) for the first time she bleeds down there because the p***s broke her..whats that word?? Lol

    Get it now, 'POPPED' her cherry?

  22. its means he took your virginity

  23. he iifucked u and u bled

  24. your not a virgin anymore. it is the hymen for the big people and cherry for the teens

  25. It's a phrase used when the hymen breaks. It's a thin layer of skin that covers the v****a.

  26. it means u lost ur viginity

    or someone put somethin up ur u no....nd made u lose ur virginity

    like havin s*x or fingering u

  27. he took her virginity

  28. I dont wanna know.......

  29. Popping a cherry is a euphemism for getting the hymen penetrated when one loses her virginity.

  30. you broke a cherry into peaces i don't know

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