
Popular 90's board games?

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Popular 90's board games?




  1. Headbandz, Scattegories, Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy

  2. Scattergories; Connect Four; TRIVIAL PERSUIT; Upwords; Trouble; Pictionary; Scrabble; Boggle; Sorry

  3. Whack a Mole - wonderful game to play by yourself, though it's made for 2 people.  Very fun to release your anger on plastic moles in the plastic mat.

    When playing against someone, I always got my fingers smashed by my opponent when we both went to hit (with a plastic hammer) the lit mole.

  4. trouble, pictionary, scrabble, uno, trivial pursuit... i remember a lot of boys playing dungeons and dragons

    for a board game about the 90s: 90's game

  5. Without a doubt I would choose Settlers of Catan.

    And there is a two-player cardgame:

    SoC is in its 4th edition now.

  6. Eat at Ralph’s:

    The Description: “Pizza! Burgers!  Ralph Loves a   snack!  But not too much or he'll ‘toss’ it back.  Tacos!  Hot dogs!  All kinds of stuff!  Can you tell when he's had enough?”  What the h**l kind of description is that for a game? Eat at Ralph’s was a game which I never really understood. I mean, Ralph’s was the name of the restaurant, yet the players seemed more to be feeding Ralph than eating at Ralph’s. Shouldn’t the game have been called “Hey, feed this fat ****?” The Point: From what I can gather, the whole point was to get Ralph   (the fat guy with the “I’m-going-to-molest-you” grin) to eat a bunch of **** which he may or may not vomit back onto you. It reminds me of dinners  with my Italian grandfather. But Ralph doesn’t even look like a real person...he’s just a gigantic head with hands. I can see the value in that in a girlfriend, but not as the proprietor of a restaurant.      

      I have no idea how you win, but I’m guessing it’s when Ralph falls dead from a gigantic heart attack.

    The Verdict: If you really get off on feeding fat people, just look for a date at your local Arby’s. It’ll be more of a fun time than playing Eat at Ralph’s.



    Don’t Wake Daddy

    The Description: Don’t Wake Daddy is a game in which children must try to sneak into the kitchen for a snack without waking Daddy. The only chance to stop him if you step on a loud object like your cat’s tail or the leg of the sleeping prostitute Daddy hired is to  hit the snooze button.

    The Point: The point of the game is to teach children the danger of enraging parents who have anger control and abuse issues. It also educates children on how to  effectively sneak around the house, a skill they will use much more as teenagers once they turn their kitchens as drug laboratories. Several things about this game really bother me, the most jarring of which is the underlying question of why Daddy gets so pissed about being woken up. I mean sure, no one likes being awoken from a sound sleep, but Daddy seems really, really mad.But take a look at the picture of the terrified child to the right: this is not the face of a young boy afraid of getting a time-out; this is the face of a child who fears getting chained in the basement and beaten by a metal rod In fact, after performing a thorough back-round check of this so-called “Daddy,” I discovered that he is actually Walkter Discovsk an escaped con who did six years at the Texas State Penitentiary. While the children in the game are, in fact, his, their mother, Mrs. Rita Discovski, has not been seen in two years. Discovski claims she “left home,” but I have other ideas.The Verdict: Perhaps instead of playing this game and helping the little Discovski’s sneak into the kitchen for a snack, players should take a more helpful approach and call their local child service agencies and helping to find a new home for these

    ps: just this all i know....

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